Civil Services MAINS examination – has undergone tremendous changes in terms of SYLLABUS Pattern as
well as QUESTION pattern. It was believed that with the change in Main examination pattern GENERAL STUDIES
will gain importance as it consists of 1000 marks out of 1750. But the MAINS SCORE of Successful Candidates tells
us different story. If we analyse their Mains MARKS-SHEET we find that it is the Marks of the OPTIONAL PAPER
that helped them finding a place in the final list. Hence, we can say that choosing a right optional is crucial to get
good marks in Main examination.
Choosing OPTIONAL subjects in Civil Services Examination is one of the most debated topics among the
beginner IAS aspirants. Students believe that certain Optional subjects are more scoring than others, more
performing than other subjects in past Few years, help more in General Studies than other subjects etc. But choosing
Optional Papers should not be based on these subjective aspects. Rather it should be based on some objective
criterion,Nature, Scope and Size of the Syllabus, Uniformity and stability in Question Pattern, Relevance of
the Syllabic content in day today life in Society, availability of study material and guidance etc.
approach of UPSC is different from your academic studies, before choosing the optional you need to do a careful
analysis of SYLLABUS, PREVIOUS YEARS PAPERS, REQUIREMENTS of SUBJECTS (Ideal, visionary, Numerical,
Conceptual Theoretical), COMFORT LEVEL with the subject and PAST TRENDS should be done. A wrong decision
may prove to be disastrous hence you should be careful while choosing your Optional. The basis for the selection of
any optional subject could be :
The syllabusof Sociology is relatively short as well as well defined.The
study material is easily available
and compact in nature. Beinga popular and scoring optional subject has got easy availability of experienced
guides. The scientific and logical nature of the subject helps to prepare the subject for main examination within
comparatively less time. Three months preparation is sufficient to cover the whole syllabus with proper
understanding and well knit writing skill. This helps the candidates for the preparation of Essay and General Studies
papers with “extra time”. Thus the Sociology is a popular and successful optional subject for the main examination.
has emerged as most suitable
subject that is attached in all the four papers of General Studies. Out of the total topics mentioned in general studies
syllabus, at least one- third is covered under sociology. It is, of course, more scoring. The portion Indian Society is
very much related to the day to day observation. So the study of Sociology as an optional subject is very much
helpful for the Social Issues portion of General Studies in the Preliminary and Main examination as well.
The study of Indian Society, specifically the units of Population Dynamics, Challenges of Social
Transformation, Visions of Social Change in India, Rural and Agrarian transformation in India,
Industrialization and Urbanization in India, Politics and Society, Impact of colonial rule on Indian society,
Tribal communities in India, Religion and Society etc,help the candidates to prepare the ESSAY PAPER
better understanding of problems and solution aspects with practical approach with difference.Of course, the
practical understanding gives them an edge inINTERVIEWas well, which makes the space sure in the success list.
One of the most important aspect of Sociology is that it has got relevance is the in interview (Personality Test). The
conceptual nature of the subject helps the candidates accommodating and retaining the facts easily.
Similarly, the syllabus of main examination has got only 13 UNITS in two papers. The strategic
preparation of the subject requires only 60-70% of the syllabus prepared for writing the answers in the
examination. The strategic preparations with the proper and experienced guidance make the candidates
preparation comparatively effective and easy.
The experienced guidance helps the candidate’s analytical approach to prepare properly in right
direction. These help the candidates to score more in less consumption of time and ensures the WONDER
SPACE in the final success list. As it has been well said:“Winners do not do different things rather they do
things differently”
Last but not the least and most importantly, the study of Sociology makes you and your performance
life. As the study Sociology is related to those phenomenon which are commonly reflected in our lives. So the
study of Sociology brings the“difference differently in you which is the REAL WIN”.Your selection is just
the by product of your serious efforts with the Sociology.
At the Elementary Level…..
These are broadly some tips, which shall help you in the BASIC PREPARATION. However, what matters most is the mental calmness and cool, which you maintain in the examination hall. Do not panic if you do not know any question. Apply your mind. Though not always, but most of the times the question can be rightly solved if one maintains cool and analyses it logically.
I would like to reiterate what I have said earlier also– “Winners do not do different things, they do things differently’. The funda is putting you in the shoes of examiner. A little understanding of the psychology of the examiner, this can be done by putting yourself in the examiner’s place. What you would like in any answer sheet? Clarity of thought, lucidity, good content, well expressed language. In short, good Communication Skill (Written Communication) so that the answer script could speak itself.
Thus, writing skill and content both should complement and supplement each other. Writing skill has its base in content and content needs writing skill to be well expressed. There are few rules for Effective Presentation (Principles) of Answers. These are:
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