“Globalizing Indian Society: Myth or Reality”

IAS, PRAKHAR KUMAR SINGH |Globalizing Indian Society: Myth or Reality| Triumph IAS


Essay topic:

Globalizing Indian Society: Myth or Reality

(Relevant for Essay Writing for UPSC Civil Services Examination)

Globalizing Indian Society: Myth or Reality

Rohan, a 24-year-old boy from the town of Chhapra, Bihar, is a PhD student at the University of Southern California. He generally eats in Indian restaurants, wears Indian brands, and has been celebrating Diwali with his batchmates in Los Angeles. “It just feels like home,” he says. Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, all his batchmates now greet their professor with a ‘Namaste’ to follow social-distancing.

Rohan is not alone. This is the story of millions of people around the world who are now experiencing Indian culture. But what is Indian society and its culture? Is it really globalizing and increasing its reach? Or is it mere puppetry?

In this essay, we will delve into how people across the nations are getting accustomed to Indian culture. How Indian culture has been affecting the world since time immemorial and what more needs to be done to unleash its true potential.

Globalization is the process of cross-cultural exchange of ideas and technology in politico, socio, and economic spheres. Globalizing Indian society thus is the increasing influence and expansion of the belief system, values, art artifacts & policies of Indian society. This is not a new phenomenon rather has been taking place since time immemorial.

Ancient India is replete with examples where India showed the path to the world via propagation of values like non-violence and peace. Ashoka’s Dhamma and 13 rock edicts listed down duties to be performed and care to be taken for elders. When kingdoms fought for territory in Mesopotamia and Greece, Buddhism taught peace nonviolence and ‘Mashyama Marga’ and today it is the dominant religion of several countries.

Universities of Nalanda and Taxila housed likes of Hiuen Tsang and Fa Hien thus propagating Indian culture and its science far and wide. It was Aryabhatta who first used zero as a symbol and Pingala who first calculated the value of pi, later on learned by Arabs.

During Dark Ages in Europe, our society taught the culture of assimilation of ideas and people. India not only accepted the very intruders who attacked (Mughals, Delhi sultans) but even accepted ideals opposite to orthodoxy in the form of Bhakti movement, Kabir, and Guru Nanak.

Let us now look at how Indian society has been globalizing in contemporary times.

Post-Independent India was a nation that was weak militarily but not spiritually. Amidst the winds of cold war blowing all around the world, it stood strong and propagated the message of peace via Non-Aligned Movement. Today, when the world is once again in the grip of pandemic and trade wars, India is trying to act as a beacon of light by resurfacing NAM, giving Hydroxychloroquine, and helping nations in need like Maldives cooperation Sanjeevani). But how is the culture impacting people at an individual level around the world?

British PM recently remarked that Britishers should learn from Indian value systems. This was in light of increasing skirmishes and cases in British society. The culture of jointness even among nuclear families is unique to India. It was this ‘jointness’ which was the primary reason that India survived the shock of the financial crisis in 2008.

Amidst COVID-19 pandemic, values of Indian culture of caring for others, helping needy are being popularized all over the world. World leaders like Queen of England greeting others by a ‘Namaste’ have already gone viral. The maxim of ‘Atithi Devo Bhava’ was fulfilled to core when India treated all Italian tourists suffering from coronavirus with its best medical facilities.

The advent of Indian society at the world stage is reflected in the changing policies of MNCs across the world today when McDonald’s has to open its outlet; it offers ‘McAloo Tikki’ – an Indian variant Indian food viz. Kadhi Chawal is one of the most famous dishes in the UK. Rising Indian diaspora is one of the factors for such ‘globalization’.

India today is leading from the front as global institutions struggle. The emergence of yoga has garnered more importance especially in the increasingly hectic and stressful lives of many. Ayurveda is emerging as an alternative for many incurable diseases. Meditation has been propagated as a solution against mental stress during COVID-19. All these are pillars of Indian society and its culture guiding the world today.

As agriculture is becoming mechanized, gradual exploitation is decreasing productivity. The world is now looking for newer methods of exploitation amidst this; Indian practice of organic farming and Zero Budget Natural farming is providing an alternative of ‘Zero Negative Effect’ on the environment. Apart from this, is there anything which Indian tribals are teaching to the world?

Today artifacts of Indian tribals are famous worldwide and in great demand. Not only this, their ancient practices of living in harmony with nature are being investigated in environmental conferences. The world noted during 2004 tsunami that it was tribals of Andamans only who could survive even such a disaster of huge magnitude. Truly Indian society is unique and still has so much to offer to the world.

But all that glitters is not gold. Indian society is also facing challenges and rather than becoming global is becoming inward-oriented.

From being the champion of democracy and republic, even present in ancient republics such as Vajji, it is mired by problems of criminalization, panchayat pati, and others. The Indian economy has been one of the most open economies (Import + Export is high Global GDP) but increasing protectionism has had an effect on the rise in tariffs.

People are decreasing their participation in festivals, and religion is becoming a private affair, all in line with western values. Western food habits, formal dress culture are all too apparent in society today. Fissures of communalization, regionalism, and casteism are breaking the Indian fabric of ‘unity in Diversity’ which was once championed by Indian culture globally.

Even the Indian family culture is mired with problems of high divorce rates & patriarchal greed.

So what can be done to improve the shortcomings and make Indian culture truly global?

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “I want winds of all cultures to blow by my house but I refuse to get blown by any.”

The key lies in assimilating good practices of all and constantly upgrading itself. It was by efforts of reformers like Ram Mohan Roy that practices like Sati ended and Indian society truly regained its glory.

The government has taken efforts like know India program so that NRIs can act as ambassadors for our culture. Indian cuisines and tribal crafts are promoted by Tribal Haats. But all such steps need to be in conjunction with stopping exploitation of tribal by MNCs, attacks on tourists, etc.

Vivekananda’s message of peace love and care needs to be our guiding light. Indian society has followed maxim of ‘Vasudhaina Kutumbakam’ – All world is one family. The need today is even more urgent when skirmishes throughout the world are at its peak. In this light, the message of Indian society as given below will act as guiding light-

Sarve bhavantu Sukhinah (May all worlds be happy)
Sarve Santu Niramyah (May no one suffer from illness)
Sarve Bhadrani Pashyantu (May all sentient beings be at peace)
Ma kascciduh Dukh Bhagh Bhaveta (Peace Peace Peace)
Om shanti shanti shanti!

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