Relevant for UPSC SOCIOLOGY OPTIONAL PAPER 2; G.S. MAINS SOCIETY. Social scientists in general and sociologists in particular have been
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Relevant for UPSC SOCIOLOGY OPTIONAL PAPER 2; G.S. MAINS SOCIETY. Social scientists in general and sociologists in particular have been
Continue reading#UPSC #ESSAY #ExpectedTopicForEssay2020 #EssayForIAS #EssaybyVikashRanjan INTRODUCTION The word ‘patriarchy’ literally means the rule of the father or the ‘patriarch’, and
Continue reading#UPSC #ESSAY #ExpectedTopicForEssay2020 #ESSAYBYVIKASHRANJAN INTRODUCTION Culture is “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any
Continue readingQ. China’s Rise: Threat or Boon to the World?
Continue readingQ. Is adultery against the common good?
Continue readingQ. Future of India’s democracy - Is it in safe hands?
Continue readingQ. If global citizenship means being a citizen of the world, it is neither practicable nor desirable.
Continue readingQ. Cyber Threats - Challenges and Opportunities
Continue readingQ. Has smart learning changed the classrooms?
Continue readingQ. An injustice is tolerable only when it is necessary to avoid an even greater injustice.
Continue readingQ.Women’s’ role in Economic Development.
Continue readingQ. Economic growth without investment in human development is unsustainable - and unethical
Continue readingQ. Water Security is one of the Biggest Challenges of the 21st Century
Continue readingQ. Industry 4.0 – Is India prepared?
Continue readingQ.New World Order in Even-Evolving Dimensions of World Geo-Politics.
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