• (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Social Change in Modern Society: & Paper 2- Systems of Kinship in India)
  • (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper1- Social empowerment)


  • This quote by THOMAS JEFFERSON has travelled through many years and is still memorable today. But still what is missing in this phrase is equal rights for men and women.
  • Times have changed drastically and women have acquired, though not equal, but many rights throughout a number of sectors. But one field in which women are still deprived of equality is SPORTS.
  • Many competitive sports are supposed to be only masculine affairs. Quite simply, even in this age of presumed equality, the sport still remains a male domain. Their stills remains an invisible and unacknowledged barrier between women and sports.
  • There is a plethora of factors which hold back women from participating in sports. A few of them are quoted below –
  • DROPOUTS: School is like a second home to a child. Schools not only groom up a child’s mental and learning ability but also nourish his/her sports prowess. And often after a certain age, the girls are forced to drop out of the schools because of which they lack opportunities and don’t get the same platforms to showcase their capability which the boys get. As a result, their strength keeps on dwindling in many sports events.
  • SAFETY ISSUES: Often there are no playing facilities near their homes, especially in dense urban areas, because of which they have to travel through unsafe and unknown neighbourhoods, which definitely the families object to. And if safe conveyance facilities aren’t available then, unfortunately, they are forced to stay back at home with their families.
  • SOCIAL STIGMA AND ROTTEN STEREOTYPES: The stereotype: “SPORTS ARE FOR WARRIORS” deprives women to hone their skills in sports. Since ages women are been considered less in comparison to men.
  • The preconception, that women cannot beat men in terms of physical strength, still occupies everyone’s mind. Also, the misconception that women are injured more often and more easily, deter them.
  • Still, it is thought that sports were designed to exemplify male fitness. But all these are mere, as the word itself suggests, “PRECONCEPTIONS” which are way behind the reality.
  • Apart from these reasons the discrimination based on the real or perceived sexual orientation and gender identity of female athletes persists. Often girls in sports, experience bullying, social isolation, loss of their starting position and fear of being called a ‘gay’ haunt them.
  • However, today’s women are unstoppable and unbeatable. They are so daring and valorous that they have risen above all the odds and have shown excellent performances at many sports events.
  • These lines beautifully quoted by BETHANY HAMILTON, the American surfer, truly justify that sports aren’t only meant for the men any more but for the women as well. Today in all the major world level sports events such as Olympics, Wimbledon Championship, Women cricket world cup, etc., women have been seeing brandishing matchless show. In many, they do better than men and take away more medals.
  • The woman of today has that SPORTSMAN SPIRIT in her. She has proven all those social stigmas wrong and has evolved as a TIGRESS. To exemplify, The PHOGAT SISTERS who precisely proved that girls are no less than boys in terms of physical strength and audacity.
  • KELLY KULICK, the first woman to win a national tournament in bowling and that too after beating her 62 strong and able men counterparts, has broken the stereotype that women can’t beat men. BUT NOW THEY CAN!! And of course, the pride of India, SANIA MIRZA AND MARY KOM, rose above the convention that being a mother stops a lady from playing with the same flair and knack.
  • Soon after delivering their babies, these valiant women came back to the battleground and bought laurels to their country. And how can one not mention about HIMA DAS, who won 5 golds back to back in the international athletics competition and has proved that age is no bar to success? Not only in these events had women established their names but also in events such as Paralympics, they have exhibited spectacular performances and took away many medals.
  • Like DEEPA MALIK, a daring woman became the FIRST INDIAN WOMAN to win a medal in Paralympic Games. Her disability didn’t restrict her from winning away numerous medals in myriad International gaming events.
  • So, looking at the achievements of these stellar women, it can be said that now the old preconceptions have been done away with and the women of today will not stop at any cost from establishing their name in the arena of sports. From the past many years, many leaps have been taken to encourage women participation in sports and the same progress is expected in the years to come. However, a few loopholes still remain to be filled up and hopefully with the coming up of women in every field these will also be overhauled!!!

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