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Women Empowerment: Schemes to Uplift Women

Women Empowerment: Schemes to Uplift Women



  • Poverty, deprivation and inequalities.
  • Violence against women.

G.S paper II:

  • Governance: Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States 

Empowerment of women means equipping them to become economically independent, self-reliant, with a positive self-esteem that enables them to face any difficult situation and facilitates their participation in developmental activities. In order to ensure that women could be empowered and given equal opportunities, the government has started various schemes.

One-Stop Centre Scheme:

  • Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a global health, human rights and development issue that transcends geography, class, culture, age, race and religion affecting every community and country in every corner of the world.
  • In India, Gender-Based Violence has many manifestations; from the more universally prevalent forms of domestic and sexual violence including rape, to harmful practices such as dowry, honour killings, acid attacks, witch- hunting, sexual harassment, child sexual abuse, trafficking for commercial sexual exploitation, child marriage, sex-selective abortion, sati, etc.
  • The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD) has formulated a Centrally Sponsored Scheme for setting up One Stop Centres. These Centres have been established across the country to provide integrated support and assistance under one roof to women affected by violence, both in private and public spaces in a phased manner.


  • Trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation is an organised crime that violates basic human rights.
  • Poverty, low status of women, lack of a protective environment, etc., are some of the causes for trafficking.
  • The Central Scheme “Comprehensive Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking for Rescue, Rehabilitation and Re-Integration of Victims of Trafficking for Commercial Sexual Exploitation- Ujjawala” aims to prevent trafficking and also rescue and rehabilitate the victims.

Nirbhaya Fund:

  • Violence and abuse against women and girls is frequent on streets, in public transportation and in other public places.

  • Such occurrences restrict women’s right to mobility, discouraging their freedom to walk freely and move in public spaces of their choice. Such violence also limits their access to essential services and adversely impacts their health and well being.
  • The Government has set up a dedicated fund called Nirbhaya Fund to be utilized for projects specifically designed to improve the safety and security of women. It is a non-lapsable corpus fund being administered by the Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance.

Mahila Police Volunteers:

  • Gender-Based Violence (GBV), faced by women both in public and private spaces, including domestic violence, sexual assault, rape, voyeurism, stalking, etc., is a major threat to women equality and empowerment.
  • Women who are victims of violence or harassment may not find it easy to approach the police or other authorities for getting help or support.
  • There is a need for an effective alternative for getting help and support.
  • In order to increase focused community outreach, the Government of India started the scheme of Mahila Police Volunteers (MPVs) in all States and UTs who will act as a link between police and the community and facilitate women in distress.


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