
 Relevance: Prelims: Environment

Why in news?

  • National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) Lucknow has developed a pest-resistant variety of cotton.


  • Whiteflies are one of the top ten devastating pests in the world that damage more than 2000 plant species and also function as vectors for some 200-plant viruses. Cotton is one of the worst hit crops by these.
  • In a move to fight against whiteflies National Botanical Research Institute (NBRI) Lucknow has developed a pest-resistant variety of cotton and is going to start field trials this year from April to October in Faridkot Center of Punjab Agriculture University, Ludhiana.
  • They used the leaf extract of an edible fern Tectariamacrodonta which causes toxicity to the whitefly. This fern is known to be used as salad in Nepal and as a concoction for the gastric disorders in many regions of Asia.

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