Section –A 

Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) How did the intellectual forces lead to the emergence of Sociology?

(b) Is Sociology a Value-free science? Discuss.

(c) Methodology is a system of rules, principles and procedures, which forms scientific investigation. Comment.

(d) ‘Ideal Types’ of Max Weber are mental constructs, they do not correspond to the reality. Give your views.

(e) Analyse the relevance of ‘Pattern variables’ in the study of social change.

Q2 (a) What are the reactions of R.K. Merton to the functionalism of social anthropologists? Bring out the limitations of latent functions.

(b) How are Hierarchy and Exclusion the major impediments in the transformation of societies? Discuss.

(c) Explain democracy as an order of society. What are the factors preventing people’s participation in politics?

Q3 (a) Capitalism has brought increasing informalisation of work in society. Substantiate your answer.

(b) Critically analyse Durkheim’s views on elementary forms of religious life and role of religion. Also discuss the consequences of religious revivalism  in contemporary society.

(c) Discuss the consequences of Across Region marriage on kinship system in modern Indian society.

Q4 (a) Is humanity at the mercy of Nature, Science and Technology? Comment in the light of pandemic situation.

(b) According to Durkheim, “The major function of education is the transmission of society’s norms and values”. Discuss.

(c) Critically assess social mobility in closed and open systems.

 Section –B 

Answer the following questions in about 150 words each:

(a) In the context of globalization, has the scope of Sociology been changing in India? Comment.

(b) Discuss the importance and sources of hypothesis in social research.

(c) What are the problems in observing social facts in Durkheim’s views?

(d) State the reasons for the various religious beliefs and practices in pre-modern societies.

(e) Does the institution of marriage continue to be sacred in Indian society? Comment.

Q6 (a) Discuss the new labour codes and their impact on formal and informal labour in India.

(b) According to Mills, “Elites rule in institutional terms rather than psychological terms.” Comment.

(c) Analyse the strengths and weaknesses of social survey method in social research.

Q7 (a) Technology has accelerated the process of development and dependency. Discuss.

(b) Phenomenological perspectives in sociology reject many of the assumptions of positivism. Comment.

(c) Critically assess the Marxian theory of ‘Alienation’.

Q8 (a) How does Marx view social conflict as an essential element in social change?

(b) What is the impact of gender division of labour on the development of society?

(c) Examine how social movements come to an end Illustrate with examples.



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