Terrorism by External State Actors

1.Terrorism by External State Actors

  • When a country directly or indirectly indulges in terrorism either against its own people or people of other countries it is called terrorism by State actors. Furthermore, when a terrorist activity operating in one country is supported by the other country/countries, it comes under ‘external state sponsored terrorism’.
  • Presently, India’s internal security is challenged in a direct and indirect way by state-sponsored terrorism of Pakistan. While the terrorism in Kashmir is directly sponsored by Pakistan, the hinterland terrorism by Indian Mujahidin is indirectly sponsored by Pakistan.
  • The external state governments support the terrorist groups financially, technically, and also provides arms, training, ideological base and other required infrastructural support. The external state governments use the terrorist activity as a proxy war on the other nation.

The State indulgence in terror can be differentiated as follows:

  1. Government terror
  2. State involvement in terror
  3. State sponsorship of terror or extremism

Government terror and State involvement in terror have a very thin line of differentiation. In the first process, the terror mechanism operates by orders from top like Nazi policy or Stalin Purges in Russia in 1930’s. Similarly, uses of chemical weapons by Saddam Hussein against own Kurdish population can be other illustration. However, involvement of State Government in terror signifies the massive involvement of State in terror mechanism like situation in North Korea or during Monarch rule.

State Sponsorship of Terror or Extremism: This is the most dangerous and divesting process where the terrorists act for:

  • Threat for use of violence
  • Political objective and desire to change the status quo
  • Intention to spread threat, coercion, fear by committing serious physical or mental injury
  • International targeting of non-combatants civilians
  • Supplies, basic and advanced training including physical training, endurance training, training and handling of arms/are munitions, IED
  • Provision of safe heavens, base camps, shifting, boarding and logistics
  • Acclimatization and exposure to target friendly situations, false documentation, passport, internal identification, financial transaction, weapon handling and procurement, exchanging currency in drug or gold.
  • Immunity against extradition, diplomatic immunity
  • Aftercare of family, parents and dependents in the host country. Monthly stipend and reward for successful execution of the assigned tasks.

The support to the host country is generally supplemented by laurels from society, media and social media for their contribution even if they achieve martyrdom. Terrorism in Kashmir and other parts of India is sponsored by State policy of Pakistan government, army and ISI. In July 2009, Pakistan President Asif Ali Jardari admitted that Pak government nourished terrorism to achieve short term policy goals.

1.1 Terrorism by Non-State Actors

  • The definition of non-State actors lacks objectivity. In international relationsnon-State actors(NSAs) are individuals and groups that hold influence ,and  are wholly or partly independent of State/Government .They are not responsible to the Government for their actions. NSAs have generally no direct or indirect link with any Government or Government agency while pursuing their agenda, though indirect linkage cannot be completely ruled out. Naxalites, LTTE and Extremists in North East are some non-State actors. The other terrorist groups like Lashkar-e-Taiba(LeT) and Indian Mujahideen(IM) also claim to be non-state actors but have de facto support from Pakistan.
  • The interests, structure, and influence of NSAs vary widely. For example, among NSAs are corporationsmedia organizationsbusiness magnatespeople’s liberation movementslobby groupsreligious groupsaid agencies, and violent non-state actorssuch as paramilitary forces.
  • The non-State actors are sometimes not associated with terrorism such as International organization viz. UN, Interpol, IMF or non-Governmental Organization (NGO’s), Red Cross and Green Peace. Sometimes, the non-state actors have National importance, working structure and governing capacity like Hezbollah group, which is a social political and military non-State actor in south Lebanon.

Violent Non -State Actors (VNSAs)

  • VNSAs, presently in practice, is considered as the best terminology for non-State actors involved in terrorism.VNSAs are armed groups, including groups such as ISISor criminal organizations, for example drug cartels According to some theories of US military, VNSAs can be termed as ‘Individuals or organization that has economic, political, social power and are capable to influence at a national and sometimes international level too.

Recent trends of violent non- State Actors

  • A report in 2016 reveals that ISIS activists in Syria with the help of supporters from across the world are accumulating weapons of mass destruction (WMD).About 90 pounds of Uranium has been diverted from Mosul University of Iraq by ISIS militants. Some groups are also imparting training in chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear weapons.
  • Radiological dispersal devices or dirty bombs and dispersal of lethal gas like chlorine, mustard gas and VX nerve gas will also create panic and terror. Some laboratories are employing professional scientists to prepare precursor for WMD so that the products can be smuggled without checking.US is propagating ‘see something say something’ for increasing community awareness in this context.

Salient features of non-State Actors

  • Generally move from the area of conflict home to controlled area and the area they wish to control.
  • Deployment in short term, the targets and objectives are well defined.
  • Multiplicity of untraceable organization, offshore sympathizers, couriers and rotation with tacit ground support.
  • Strategy, ideology and communication is controlled remotely from apex organization.
  • Belong or lean towards a particular country or state and employ violence in pursuit of their objectives.

It is believed that even if a faction of population believes that their loyalty or accountability with the state is at peril, alternative form of affiliation towards religion, family, tribe, claimed territory becomes focus of attention. Subsequently, the process losses the confidence mechanism of governance by State.

  1. Difference between the Terms: Terrorism, Insurgency, Militancy, Extremism

  • Terrorism and Insurgency– terrorism is planned, organized and systematic use of violence to create fear for a religious, political or ideological goal. It does not get the public support but depends on its psychological impact. On the other hand, insurgency is a struggle between a non-ruling and a ruling authority in which non-ruling group employs political resources, uses propaganda, demonstration and instruments of violence, to gain political concessions. Thus, the point of difference is that terrorism uses only violence but insurgency may use propaganda and demonstration apart from violence as a medium. Secondly, unlike terrorism, insurgency has the support of the local public. Thirdly, terrorism operates in a clandestine manner whereas insurgency is an open resistance. The problem of Nagaland in the early fifties is a classical example of insurgency.
  • Terrorism and subversion- Terrorism uses violence to further their certain objectives, whereas subversion uses violence to transfer/ subvert the established social order and its structure of power, authority and hierarchy.
  • Terrorism and militancy- Militancy is simply a condition where certain aggressive persons (militants) take part in a struggle or cause and are combative in nature. Naturally they use force and violence because of their nature of being combative. Thus, it could be said that terrorism is a sub part of militancy.

Terrorism and Extremism- These are very closely related terms. Extremism is a condition where a group of persons are intolerant towards all views other than their own, and they advocate severe measures instead’ of moderate measures. Terrorism is also an intolerant state, but terrorists may use violence for any political, religious or ideological goal; the goal may be short term in nature. However, extremists use violence or any other severe measure to impose their ideology on the local population and the government machinery. Again, extremists try to gain the support of the common population and terrorists don’t care about that.

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