One-On-One Mentorship , By Vikash Ranjan
- Personality Test is designed and directed towards testing the “ADMINISTRATIVE APTITUDE” of the prospective aspirant. Questions asked in the interview range from the personal bio-data of the candidate to the academic background, current affairs and personal interests. Sometimes, the interview can lead to a new area of questions depending on how the candidate responds. When the areas are so vast and candidates as soon as they get the news of clearing the mains stage. But it has been seen that a simple strategy along with smart hard work can be useful in getting the desirable results.
- Interview preparation does not require stuffing oneself with facts. Ability to analyse and to critically examine an issue is what actually counts. There may be facts you may not know and there is no harm current affairs are so dynamic, how does one prepare for the interview? This question haunts the in saying so to the Board, but you must be able to think laterally and analyse all dimensions of the topic under consideration. It is important that one must maintain his/her composure and calm even if answers to the asked questions are not available
- One can divide the preparation into five broad sections —
- Personal,
- Academic,
- Optional subjects,
- Current affairs, and
- Hobbies
- Proper time for starting the preparation for the interview is after mains examination. By starting at this time, one will reach his peak performance right at the time of his/her interview. Starting too early may bring boredom and the energy level may also get exhausted. Atleast three of the above five sections should be completed before the announcement of results only.
- Personal, academic and hobbies are the three preferred areas as current affairs and optional subjects are already prepared by the candidates during the mains exam stage and they just need a revision.
- A candidate must complete all the learning part at least 10 days before the date of interview. In the last ten days, one should concentrate on the following tools:
- Rehearse Standard Questions: For rehearsing standard questions, it is desirable to sit on a chair located at a place without having any disturbance. Sit in a composed manner as if you are sitting for an interview. If desired by you, hang a large-sized mirror on the wall facing you. This will help you in observing your body language during the process of rehearsing questions. After setting the above environment, you ask a question to yourself and give answer to it. You may ask a question by uttering words or by thinking in your mind. However, while giving its answer, utter words in tone, speed and loudness as if you are actually sitting in the interview. This will help in training your tongue and brain so that things like stammering can be avoided during the interview. Also it will help in the revision of all the five sections mentioned above.
- One on One Mock Interviews: It is advisable that you go through some sessions of mock interviews before stepping into the real interview. A mock interview is the duplication or simulation of an actual interview. The basic objective of a mock interview is to give an interviewee feeling of the actual interview.
- Discussions with Friends: This will help in knowing a particular issue or topic from different perspectives. Also a person is more open with his friends and your friends know more about your weaknesses than anybody else. Thus it will help you to brush off your limitations.
- Self Evaluation: The candidate should make a self analysis of his/her strengths and weaknesses and should make a conscious effort to play on his strengths.
While preparing, a candidate must remember that IAS exam is not the end of life. All great people are not IAS officers and all IAS officers are not great people. A candidate must remain patient and should maintain his pace. Too much stress while thinking about the performance and result will only hamper the preparation. This examination is all about tenacity and perseverance. Work hard and do not lose heart Your efforts are bound to succeed.
Admin : Triumph IAS