

Relevance: G.S paper I ( Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism)

Regionalism is the expression of a common sense of identity and purpose by people within a geographical region, united by its unique language, culture, language etc.

It can be explained only through multiple dimensions of region. example-Region as Geographical unit, region as social system, region in economic and political field etc. Region acts as a subject with distinct identity, language, culture and tradition.

In a positive sense, it encourages people to develop a sense of brotherhood and commonness which seeks to protect the interest of a particular region and promotes the welfare and development of the state and its people. In the negative sense, it implies excessive attachment to one’s region which is a great threat to the unity and integrity of the country.

At the international level, regionalism refers to transnational cooperation to meet a common goal or to resolve a shared problem or it refers to a group of countries such as-Western Europe, or Southeast Asia, linked by geography, history or economic features. Used in this sense, regionalism refers to attempts to reinforce the links between these countries economic features.

In Indian context generally the term regionalism has been used in the negative sense.

IN other words regionalism at national level refers to a process in which sub-state actors become increasingly powerful, power devolves from central level to regional governments. These are the regions within country, distinguished in culture, language and other socio-cultural factors.


History of Regional Movements

The roots of regionalism in India is found in colonial policies.

Unequal treatment by British towards princely states and those of presidencies developed regionalist tendencies among them.

Exploitative economic policies completely neglected many important and weak regions, giving way to economic disparities and regional imbalances.

Then, the Indian national movement furthered a pluralistic idea of India.

The history of regional movements in India can be traced back to 1940’s Dravida Movement or the Non-Brahmin movement that started in present day Tamil Nadu.

The movement, resulted into the demand of a separate and independent Tamil state.

Rise of several other parties like Telugu Desam Party (TDP) springing up in Andhra region, with demands of separate statehood.

The decades of 1950s and 1960s witnessed intense mass mobilization, and hence violence.

In 1954, the revolt for the separate state of Andhra for Telugu- speaking people spearheaded by Potti Sri Ramulu and his eventual death triggered the wave of political regionalism in India with many princely states and other states making a demand for a separate state.

This resulted in a formation of States Reorganization Committee which recommended re-organisation of Indian states on linguistic lines, thus reinforced the tendencies of regionalism.

With the enactment of the States Reorganisation Act, 1956, linguistic States became a reality.

During 1970s and 1980s, owing to intensification of tribal insurgency for separation and statehood, the Union government passed the North-eastern States Reorganisation Act, 1971.

It upgraded the Union Territories of Manipur and Tripura, and the Sub-State of Meghalaya to full statehood, and Mizoram and Arunachal Pradesh to Union Territories which became states in 1986.

Decade of 2000s, witnessed vigorous movements for creation of separate states due to rising sense of regional deprivation. Resulting in formation of the three new states – Chhattisgarh out of Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand out of Bihar and Uttarakhand out of Uttar Pradesh.

Latest development in the list is the state of Telangana created by the division of Andhra Pradesh in 2014.

Roots of regionalism is in India’s manifold diversity of languages, cultures, ethnic groups, communities, religions and so on, and encouraged by the regional concentration of those identity markers, and fueled by a sense of regional deprivation. For many centuries, India remained the land of many lands, regions, cultures and traditions.

Regionalism has remained perhaps the most potent force in Indian politics ever since independence (1947), if not before. It has remained the main basis of many regional political parties which have governed many states since the late 1960s.Three clear patterns can be identified in the post-independence phases of accommodation of regional identity through statehood

Types of Regional Movements in India

Secessionism is the withdrawal of a group from a larger entity, especially a political entity, but also from any organization, union or military alliance. Threats of secession can be a strategy for achieving more limited goals. It involves militant and fundamentalist groups advocating separation.

Separatism is demand for separate statehood within the Indian Union. Separatism is that it is the advocacy of a state of cultural, ethnic, tribal, religious, racial, governmental or gender separation from the larger group. Many a times, linguistic or ethnic minorities within the states come together and unite against the majority community in that state.

In the interim, there have been numerous requests including formation of Bodoland for the Bodo-speakers in Assam; Gorkhaland for ethnic Gorkha (Nepali) individuals in West Bengal; for building up a Bundelkhand state (covering some portion of Madhya Pradesh and part of Uttar Pradesh) for advancing advancement of the locale

Demand for Full Statehood, the union territories have been putting forward such demands like NCT of Delhi.

A large portion of such requests have just been acknowledged. In 1971, Himachal Pradesh got the status of a full state and from that point Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh (previous NEFA) and Sikkim got full statehoods.

Demand for Autonomy, since 1960’s, with the emergence of regional parties, the demand for state autonomy has been gaining more and more strength due to central political interferences

In Tamil Nadu the DMK, in Punjab the Akali Dal, in Andhra Pradesh the Telgu Desham, in Assam the Assam Gana Parishad, the National conference in J & K and in West Bengal the Forward Bloc have been continuously demanding a larger share of powers for the states.

Demand for Regional Autonomy within a State, in some of the states people belonging to various regions have been demanding recognition of their regional identities.

The genesis of such demands lies in the regional imbalances resulting from an inefficient planning for instance in J & K, the Ladakhis are demanding a regional status.

Causes for regionalism:

Regionalism could have flourished in India, if any state/region had felt that it was being culturally dominated or discriminated against.

Provincial monetary disparity is a strong time bomb coordinated against national solidarity and political strength. Be that as it may, this potential reason did not come to fruition of regionalism, as a result of government steps, which focused on the decent local advancement and satisfied the goal of states. Maybe a couple of them are – Modern Strategy, 1956, National Mix board, 1961. Move of money related assets to less fortunate states on the suggestion of Finance commission.

Planning became an important tool through Planning commission and Five year plans. But the new government is planning to devolve the planning power to the respective states, so that they can do planning with real-time approach of their respective needs and requirements.

The central government has categorized states on the basis of backwardness and accordingly gives grants and loans. In September 2013, Raghuram Rajan, recommended a new index of backwardness to determine- which state need special help from central government. It is composed of 10 equally weighted indicators. According to that, Orissa and Bihar are the most backward states.

Ordinary open speculation by focal government through midway supported plans have focussed on advancement of essential framework and destitution annihilation, coordinated rustic improvement, training, wellbeing, family arranging, and so on. For instance Prdhan Mantri Gram sadka yojana, Early afternoon supper, MGNREGA, and so on.

Government at centre and states give incentives to private players to develop in backward states through subsidies, taxation, etc. Nationalisation of banks, granting new banking licences, making mandatory for banks to open rural branches are few other steps for inclusive development and balanced regional development.

There are certain discrepancies at the implementation part of these schemes.

Few areas have been neglected like irrigation, which has created agricultural disparity. Rain fed and dry land agriculture also have been neglected, which became cause for suicide of farmers in various states (Coverage of P. Sainath, gives us more insights on such issues.)In reality, the interstate industrial disparity, agricultural disparity, number of BPL, etc. are decreasing. But, more actions are needed to completely eradicate the disparities.

Impact of Regionalism on Indian Polity

  • Regionalism sometimes undercuts the national interest by being a hurdle in the international diplomacy.
  • For instance- opposition of regional/state parties of Tamil against the stand of central government had direct implication on the relation of India with Sri Lanka.
  • The disagreement of political leadership in West Bengal with the central government over the Land Boundary agreement and Teesta River Water sharing treaty with Bangladesh resulted in increasing tensions between the two nations.
  • Rise of regional parties.
  • Re-focus on regional issues.
  • Regionalism can become a shield for militancy, extremism to create an internal security threat, Kashmir militancy is an example of this type of regionalism
  • Regionalist tendencies often stir inter-state hostility as its spillover effect.
  • Regional movements often result in violent agitations, disturbs not only the law and order situations but also have negative implication on the economy of the state as well as the nation.

Is regionalism a danger to national solidarity and uprightness?

Parochial regionalism represent a danger to sway of country.

The counter vagrant or against Bihari position of the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) which contradicts the business and living arrangement of Non-Maharashtra individuals in the territory of Maharashtra is a prime case of negative regionalism.

Regionalism past a point can prompt secessionism for example solid regionalism in Punjab at last brought about the development of Khalistani psychological oppression.

Regionalism regularly advance Vote-Bank legislative issues, in this manner debilitate national combination.

Regionalism can debilitate the reliable texture of – Solidarity in Assorted variety, whenever advanced in an ultra way.

Way Forward

Solidarity in Decent variety ethos should be protected for the pluralistic character of the Indian country state.

Convenience of numerous goals of a different populace is fundamental.

Arrangement of NITI Aayog has been a positive advance to upgrade agreeable federalism by cultivating the inclusion of State Legislatures of India in the monetary strategy making procedure utilizing a base up methodology.

While various advances, for example, dispatch of midway supported plans, motivators private players for improvement in reverse states have been taken by government for comprehensive advancement there is more noteworthy requirement for their successful usage.

There is have to build the degree of social consumption by states on instruction, wellbeing and sanitation which are center for human asset improvement.

Presenting an arrangement of national instruction that would help individuals to defeat local sentiments and build up a connection towards the country, can go about as a long haul answer for the issue of sub-patriotism.

While, the National Incorporation chamber was set up in 1961, there is have to use its potential all the more successfully.

Plans like “Ek Bharat-Shreshtha Bharat” has been propelled by GOI to commend solidarity in assorted variety culture of country and to fortify assessments for National Solidarity between the residents of states, is an appreciated advance.

National solidarity isn’t impeded if the general population of an area have an authentic pride in their language and culture.

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