Project Praana

Relevance: Prelims: Science and technology

Why in news?

  • The Scientists and Students in Indian Institute of Science have developed a prototype of an indigenous ventilator under project Praana. The project is a voluntary effort to help the nation at the time of crisis.
  • In the COVID-19 crisis, if a worst case scenario is assumed, about 0.006 percent of the population will require critical care with access to ventilators. For a population of 125 Crores, this translates to about 75,000 patients who might need ventilator access.

Key highlights:

  • The global supply chain has been severely disrupted due to the crisis, and there are no indications on when it will be restored. A group of Scientists and students in Indian Institute of Science in Bengaluru have developed an indigenous ventilator prototype.
  • The team in the Electrical Communication Engineering Department of Indian Institute of Science, led by Associate Professor Gaurab Banerjee has designed the ventilator using materials readily available in India.
  • The prototype has mass flow sensors and controllers which accurately tell how much oxygen is flowing and what volume the patient is inhaling in one breath.
  • Pneumatics is built around mass produced water filter hardware. The control system is built around open source industrial controller.

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