Joy is The Simplest Form of Gratitude

 Joy is The Simplest Form of Gratitude 


  • Joy and gratitude are closely related, as joy can lead to the feeling of gratitude and gratitude can lead to the feeling of joy.
  • Joy or happiness is a general state of mind that demonstrates the cheerfulness of a person. Joy can be the result of an overall fulfilling feeling towards someone, something, or life in general.
  • Gratitude is a sense of gratefulness or thankfulness regarding a situation and/or a person. The feeling of gratitude emerges from humility in a person who accepts that they have been somehow helped or aided by an external force and that they needed such help to be happy.
  • Main idea of the essay: Giving joy and being happy is the simplest and arguably the best way of showing gratitude, as it is a way of giving back whatever you have received in a precious way.


  • When there is so much violence and conflict around us, it makes us wonder whether there is any appreciation for the important things we have in life; most importantly, for life itself. When we accept that joy is the simplest form of gratitude, we will become happier just out of gratefulness for the life we have.
  • According to some religious philosophies such as in Christianity and Hinduism, life is considered to be a gift from God and it is preached that we must be grateful for this ultimate gift.

However, the question is: How can we ever repay for it? There are many ways of repaying, such as by helping others, by leading a chaste life, and by working hard for the betterment of this world. The simplest and easiest way of repaying for this gift is by being happy and making others happy.

  • Here, the meaning of joy does not only mean being joyful by oneself, but also giving joy in order to show gratitude. There are many ways of giving others joy, such as doing charity work, donating for a just cause, helping those in need, or just spreading smiles on people’s faces through our attitude.
  • Other forms of showing gratitude are not as simple as simple joy. An example is the reciprocating act, which means one needs to think about many things such as what the other person wants, what the best way to repay their debt is, and which is an appropriate way to show gratitude.
  • For a civil servant, an attempt to give joy to others and being happy and content while carrying out their services would be the best way to show gratitude for the love and respect they receive from the society. Similarly, people who are helped by civil servants can best repay them by being happy to show that they have been helped. No other measure can bring greater job satisfaction than this to an honest and hardworking civil servant.


  • Being joyful and giving joy are simple acts in life that do not require much effort. It is a simple way in which one can make the environment around themselves blissful.
  • Gratitude is a feeling of thankfulness or gratefulness, which springs from the willingness to do something for the person/thing we feel grateful towards. One of the simple ways of showing gratitude is giving joy and being satisfied with what we have got.
  • Joy is simple and precious; according to religious philosophies and general wisdom, if one intends to show gratitude, the act should start from the simple and basic feeling of pure joy.


  • Keywords: joy, gratitude
  • It is a good idea to elaborate on what you understand by the keywords in the introduction itself.
  • This is a very conceptual essay and requires the writer to ponder on the content quite a bit; if you are running out of time during an exam, such a topic is not recommended.

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