Goodwill, Tolerance and Brotherhood: are the three pillars of a peaceful society

Anshu Priya Rank 16 in UPSC CSE 2021 Exam |Goodwill Tolerance and Brotherhood:Three pillars of a peaceful Society | Triumph IAS

Anshu Priya

Essay Topic:

Goodwill Tolerance and Brotherhood: Three pillars of a peaceful Society

(Relevant for Essay Writing for UPSC Civil Services Examination)

Goodwill Tolerance and Brotherhood:
Three pillars of a peaceful Society

When men came together bonded by the theory of ‘Social Contrail’ they had many promises to keep to make his cohabitation successful, he needed an egalitarian Society. It is in this Quest of a meaningful Social life that Goodwill, Tolerance and Brotherhood became important for him. But, how do we define these terms?

Goodwill is the Existence of Social harmony and healthy interpersonal Contact. Tolerance, on the other hand, is celebrating differences, dissent and diversity. Goodwill and tolerance fetches Brotherhood, ‘a feeling of fraternity’ in the Society. As the world Continues to become globalised and as violence, conflicts, Self – centricism, spread their tentacles like a vicious hydra, the importance of the above three virtues becomes paramount in todays world.
In this Essay, we would discuss how Goodwill, Tolerance and Brotherhood are Sin-Quo non for a peaceful Society. What threatens this dictum of peace? How the candle of these virtues when lit can Make our societies enlightened and progressive.

This enlightenment can be traced to as old as Paleolithic period. The paintings of Bhimbetka, Which know man dancing, playing music and celebrating his Brotherhood. Later on, the first Chakravarti Samrat ‘Ashok’ evoked goodwill due to his policy of Dhamma. DHAMMA WAS NOTHING BUT TOLERANCE!

From Reign of Ashoka, to the rule of Akbar, when he gave the concept of ‘Sulh-e-kulh’ and ‘Din-e-elahi’. Both these doctrines emphasize on how tolerance towards faith of others breeds a Sense of Brotherhood amongst masses and goodwill for the ruler. but, when one looks at the Colonial Rule, one lord find how Britishers Sowed the Seeds of intolerance in the form Communalism. This led to declining fraternity amongst Hindu and Muslims. The resent was- ‘A bigoted, hateful partition of county. So, can’t the role of goodwill and Brotherhood central to the idea of peaceful society?


A few done years of British Colonisation, does not absolve India of the virtues of tolerance and brotherhood it represents. our thriving Social Cultures are an apt Example. Faming, as the most Micro Unit of socialisation, when bonded by tolerance, would lead to goodwill amongst members. The solidarity of joint family, the spirit of collectivism, the acceptance of choice of life pastors by Children, all would breed a happy and peaceful family. Be it Muslim as Palan Qeuin bearers in Amarnath Shrine, as severs of Chath Puja utensils on the ghats of Bihar or Hindu paying homage at Sufi Dargah – all shows how fraternity and tolerance breeds ‘goodwill’. However, when the same family becomes intolerant of its members, honour killing many happen. when the Same Society Subjugates ‘Dissent’ and asserts Majority then, Regionalism (Son of the Soil), communalism, casteism, disturbs its peaceful Fabric.

Not only Society, even Economy works on the lynchpins of these virtues. While Amul has united doing formers all over India, Tata has badge of corporate Social responsibility. It is hence, who doubt why these organisation have earned goodwill.

But, is Everything so rosy? No, the same organisation can go bankrupt it propagates frond, mistrust, Majoritarianism. Even the political Sphere of a Nation cannot remain cohesive without goodwill and tolerance. From Anubhava Mandapa of Basvanna, to ‘parliament’ of today- we see how tolerance and accepting dissenting views strengthen Democracy. Isn’t it a rare scene to see our honourable prime minster shed fears on departure of leader of opposition recently?
Not only parliament, even state legislatures, with their diversity and a thriving centre stall relation show how Brotherhood and respect for diversity is essential. And then comes, Judiciary, as the custodian of constitution, whose concept of ‘Constitutional Morality, has ignited a new era of tolerance, solidarity?

However, there are some dark patches, even amidst this glittering. when politics gets divided on Sectarian lines, Slongering, it breeds intolerance, distorts federalism and breeds mistrust in the society.

From political sphere, the importance of goodwill and Brotherhood has security implications too. The tribal conflicts of North East [Reangs v/s Mizos, Meiteis v/s Nagar] have led to insurgency. This knows how apprehensions about ones diminishing culture, dissipates goodwill and leads to confect. The left wing Extremism, also, is not just a law and order issue, rather it shows how the government was not able to establish a goodwill there which led to the problem of Naxalism’ And, then comes our ‘mother Earth’. How can we forget the contribution of Sunderlal Bahuguna, chipko movement! All these movement, united us as children of mother Earth. It was the shored Brotherhood, the presence of goodwill and for one cause – that led to environmental Stewardship during these movements. But, there is another side too! when we forget this shred value of coexistence in Nature, the resent is consumerism, resource Exploitation this finally erodes the social and Natural capital.

Not only in environment, even in the paradigm of ethics and governance, tolerance is a virtue! tolerance leads to an impartial, non partisan public servant. Tolerance at work culture would lead to Shored fraternity the goodwill that administration establishes with Society, transforms good governance to ethical governance.

And then, when we talk about India, we must emphasize on the international community we are a part of. The doctrines of ‘vasudhaiva kutumbakam’ , ‘Sarve Sukhina Bhavantu’ have been guiding lights for a peaceful society. The “UN declaration on eliminating all forms of intolerance” shows how tolerance is important for shored prosperity.
At the same time, refugee crisis, Migrant crisis, Arab spring, Seek rain conflicts of Middle East show the crisis of goodwill, tolerance and Brotherhood.


From the above perspectives, we have seen how vital are goodwill, tolerance and Brotherhood to our entire Existence! while we also debated on challenges, we now should try and explore, how we could facilitate these virtues further for a peaceful world. And, since charity begins at Home, so should enrichment of our Value system. Hence, family becomes important, whose task. Should be teaching members about tolerance, shoring food, shoring sorrow, standing together in adversity. From society, let us go to political sphere.

In the political sphere, it is important that ‘ interstate council’ [Act 263], integration council, ‘chief ministers forum are strengthened as forums for deliberation. Similar reform in parliament, like code of ethics and lode of conduct is needed. And off course, Maintaining neutrality of speaker, governor, strengthening of electoral process would assure that our parliament breeds leader with a vision of ‘goodwill’ for society, tied together with the essence of tolerance and fraternity.
A strengthened Society and political sphere, should also lead to dissemination of these ideas in hit her to untouched corners of country. The insurgency of North East, Naxalism, all can be taught, only when we foster a Sense of belongingness and goodwill in these areas. Consensus and deliberation, thus, should be our guiding light.

Nothing can be complete without ethics, hence there is a need to bring probity in governance’. Codification of ‘conflict of interest, code of ethics, ethical hotlines can ensure the impartial, compassionate service of our Bureaucracy leading to goodwill in two society. And them, as Now the world is one ! we need to reassert values of panchseel, Vikasvaad and not vistarvaad [as emphasized by our prime minister. Indian council of cultural relations, AIUSH ministry, ancient wisdom of YOGA, Vaccine Maitri, Medical diplomacy, can all make India a VISWA GURU of goodwill and Brotherhood.

India has been compared to a ‘THALI’ A THALI with different dishes in different Bowls. All these dishes have their own aroma and taste , however, GOODWILL TOLERANCE and BROTHERHOOD remain like common spices in all these Bowls. The importance of these virtues can be Summed up lines of ‘GURUDEV TAGORE’ “where the world has not been broken into fragments, by the chains of Narrow domestic wale, in that heaven, My father , let my country awake”!!

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