Everything can wait, but not agriculture

IAS,RUCHI BINDAL , Rank 39 in UPSC Exam | Everything can wait, but not agriculture | Triumph IAS

IAS, RUCHI BINDAL took Mentorship under the
Personal Guidance of
“Vikash Ranjan Sir”

Essay Topic:

Everything can wait, but not agriculture.

(Relevant for Essay Writing for UPSC Civil Services Examination)

Everything can wait, but not agriculture. 

Let us begin by narrating a story of a farmer in a huge economy. She has sown her crops and seeds with great care. The entire process required water, seeds, fertilizers, sunlight, etc.
After the sowing, the farmer harvested the crops and tried to sell them in the market. This process has consequences, both positive and negative, on individuals, families, society, the national economy, international spheres, and the universe.
From the above story, it is evident that agriculture now has a vital and interconnected influence on other spheres of life.
Moving on, in this essay, we will try to see why agriculture is so important both historically and in contemporary times. Secondly, we will analyze why there is a need for anyone or any sector to wait. Thirdly, we will list down the other things and whether they can wait or not. Lastly, we will analyze why agriculture cannot wait.
Dwelling on why agriculture is important, let us ask ourselves whether agriculture has become important just now or if it is a historical phenomenon?
The majority of the answers would support the historical emergence. This is visible in the fact that we, as a civilization, adopted agriculture as the first act of production both at the national and international level.
Coming to the contemporary era, agriculture is important, particularly in India, for many reasons. For example, it provides employment to 49% of the population (census 2011), ensures food security for around 1.6 billion people in the country, and at the rural level, agriculture is the lifeline of the economy.
Therefore, agriculture is vital at both the national and international levels as it provides employment to individuals, food security to society, economic growth, and connects everyone across the globe.
Now, let us try to point out the reasons why anyone or any sector has to wait in the race. The reasons can be categorized into geographical, environmental, economic, and scientific reasons.
Due to finite and limited resources present in various geographical regions, it becomes imperative to allocate these resources judiciously. Hence, some sectors have to wait for others to utilize them.
The environment is changing at a fast pace, manifesting its change in climate change, extreme weather events, global warming, and reducing ecological resources with increasing ecological footprint. These phenomena pose a threat to sectors like agriculture wherein extreme weather events like droughts or floods can cause harm to the entire crop. Therefore, due to these threats, sectors need to be protected and we cannot wait.
At the economic level, the basic thumb rule is to engage in competition. Resources and efficiency also compete. Hence, all sectors compete and there is a need for one sector to wait for another’s development or marginal cost.
Scientifically, there are new innovations every second at both national and international levels. These inventions have to be utilized and the question arises as to who is going to utilize them. Therefore, one side has to wait so that the other one can utilize them.
Moving on, now let us analyze and list down what are the other sectors or “everything” in this context.
Assuming that “everything” here connotes various economic sectors, the different sectors are manufacturing, services, cottage industries, food processing industries, etc.
Manufacturing is the sector where either something new is created or existing products are polished. It is important for the economy as it creates huge employment opportunities.
The services sector employs a considerable number of people who provide services to a large population. This sector contributes to the development level and standards of a country.
Cottage industries are small-scale industries that work in rural areas to produce local/traditional goods. They depict the culture of rural economy and its products.
Food processing industries utilize existing food products and add value to them through processing. Moreover, they have a huge potential to export these products in international markets.
All of the above industries are considered under “everything” and these industries or sectors are in front of agriculture. Policymakers and governments have to weigh their options and decide where to allocate limited resources or adjust to climate change, compete in competition or give incentives for scientific inventions.
To make these crucial decisions, policymakers should analyze why certain sectors (mentioned above) can wait and why agriculture cannot wait.
Analyzing the urgency of other sectors or their possibility to wait, we can see that these sectors are like branches of a tree bearing different fruits.
Each branch of the tree is important just like manufacturing, cottage industry, food processing, and services sector are for the economic tree.
Therefore, each branch should also be given due care and nurtured with resources like water, fertilizer, sunlight, etc. Similarly, each sector should also receive similar care and nurture for our tree to grow healthy and bear fruits.
But there is a big BUT. We also need to look at the seed of the tree because the seed defines the future course of action, strength, and resilience of the tree.
In this scenario, agriculture is the seed that gives birth to other branches and the tree itself.
This seed needs constant nurturing and care. Therefore, limited resources should be primarily allocated to agriculture. It should also be ensured that agriculture is immune from threats such as extreme weather events, global warming, climate change, etc.
Also, in economic competition, there is no competition between the seed and the branches. Therefore, both should survive in peace and harmony. The scientific innovation should also focus on bettering the quality of the seed as it will help in better branches. Quality seeds produce good crops which even help in the growth of the food processing sector and thus contribute to the economic tree.
Therefore, from the above analysis, it is clear that agriculture cannot wait and needs more attention.
Moreover, as discussed in the story above, the farmer’s crops have consequences on individuals, society, family, economy, and universe. This also highlights how agriculture can provide employment to individuals, food security to society, growth to the economy, and maintain climate and biodiversity balance in the universe.
Lastly, apart from the above reasons, agriculture is facing certain threats that cannot wait and need to be addressed.
Due to flood irrigation, soil is becoming saline. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers is reducing soil fertility. High indebtedness of farmers due to crop failure and lack of insurance in case of adverse crop failure are also challenges faced by agriculture.
To conclude, it is clear that everything can wait for a time being and let agriculture as a seed flourish by tackling these various threats. This will ensure that the tree we get in the coming years will be healthy, resistant, sustainable with varied branches bearing precious fruits of value.

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keyword: Everything can wait, but not agriculture,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture ,Everything can wait, but not agriculture,Everything can wait, but not agriculture,Everything can wait, but not agriculture,

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