•    (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Systems of Kinship & Paper 2- Systems of Kinship in India)
  •  (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper1- Social empowerment)
  • We are living in the 21st century but unfortunately, it doesn’t seem like we have come so far because the condition of oppression women are facing is pretty much the same.
  • I am not saying that females have not tried to change their plight as we see ladies like Rosa Parks, Malala Yousafzai, and Susan B. Anthony—among numerous others like them—ladies wouldn’t have the rights we have today.
  • On account of these women standing up and sharing their battles, genuine changes have been made enactment, cultural desires and even how ladies see themselves in the mirror every day.
  • The world has been changed by ladies who adapted to the situation to battle sexism. Women are working, they are businesswomen etc but the condition has not changed completely even working women face inequality in the workplace by getting less income.
  • On average women make 30% less than what men make for the same job and hours, why work of a women gets less valued than the same work a man is offering? It is pathetic to think that despite living in a fast-moving and changing world we have the same mentality we had years back.
  • ( In some areas) today as well women’s are incapable to go out alone without a male guardian also they have no function in deciding their own lives; they are viewed as just an item, property of the males of the family—and, as their proprietors, men reserve the privilege to settle on choices for them.
  • The males reserve the privilege to engage in sexual relations with them without their consent. Surveys have indicated that by far most people believe it is satisfactory for a man to beat his wife when she rejects sex.
  • There have been studies to clarify the oppression of ladies in biological terms. For instance, the humanist Stephen Goldberg proposed that men are normally more competitive than ladies as a result of their significant level of testosterone.
  • This makes them forceful and eager for power, so they unavoidably assume control over the high-status positions in the general public, leaving ladies to the more subordinate jobs.
  • In my opinion, if women can carry a child 9 months and bear the pain of delivery, she is the most powerful and patient human on this planet.
  • These women and (many more) which I mentioned above are an example that raising your voice will not only changes your life but the lives of millions. But still, we hear saddening news of rape, domestic violence, discrimination, female feticide therefore it is important to be ‘one’ and empower someone near you.
  • In particular, the disgrace of separation and misuse must be eliminated Numerous ladies remain in damaging relations due to the dread of society. Parents must instruct their girls it is alright to get back home separated instead of making your life hell each day. A girl should know her worth, she should know how to defend herself how to be ‘independent’.
  • In my conclusion, I would like to only send my salute to every ‘She’  who is reading this blog and want to quote a few lines from my essay –
  • “24 hours working for her family and in workplace, taking care of her child’s wish but also have to submit an assignment the next day in the office ..she manages all ..all broken and tired from inside but with family, she hides all her tiredness with a shining smile …being a homemaker working all day making everyone’s favourite dishes  and enjoying family activities but at night when she lies down on the bed she sleeps within a blink ..that shows SHE IS A REAL HERO – hiding her tiredness and wearing a big smile, and motivating all of us for our work ..without complaining she gets ready for tomorrow .. ”

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