Daily Current Affairs: Prelims

Cosmic Yeti

Why in news?

  • Astronomers accidentally discovered the footprints of a monster galaxy in the early universe that has never been seen before.

News About

  • Like a cosmic Yeti, the scientific community generally regarded these galaxies as folklore, given the lack of evidence of their existence, but astronomers in the United States and Australia managed to snap a picture of the beast for the first time.
  • Published in the Astrophysical Journal, the discovery provides new insights into the first growing steps of some of the biggest galaxies in the universe.
  • The researchers estimate that the signal came from so far away that it took 12.5 billion years to reach Earth, therefore giving us a view of the universe in its infancy.
  • They think the observed emission is caused by the warm glow of dust particles heated by stars forming deep inside a young galaxy. The giant clouds of dust conceal the light of the stars themselves, rendering the galaxy completely invisible.


  • Government notifies new RTI rules
  • Why in news?
  • The Ministry of Personnel notified the Right to Information (Term of Office, Salaries, Allowances and Other Terms and Conditions of Service of Chief Information Commissioner, Information Commissioners and State Information Commissioners) Rules, 2019.


  • The rules have reduced the tenure of Information Commissioners from five years to three.
  • It give the government the discretion to decide on “conditions of service” for which no express provisions are made in the rules.
  • The Chief Information Commissioner’s salary has been fixed at ₹2.5 lakh and an Information Commissioner’s at ₹2.25 lakh.


Opposition to rules:

Why in news?

  • According to activists, the rules had been drafted and promulgated in violation of the procedures laid down in the Pre-Legislative Consultation Policy of 2014.
  • The policy requires all draft rules to be placed in the public domain for comments/suggestions of people. The draft was not available in the public domain and no consultations were held with members of the public.
  • The changes would affect the independence of ‘Information Commissions who will function like caged parrots.’


  • OGELs

Why in news?

  • Defence Minister has approved issuance of two Open General Export Licences (OGELs) for export of certain parts and components and intra-company transfer of technology to select countries. The decision will give a boost to defence exports.

Major Highlights

  • Following a demand by the exporters, the DPP held extensive consultations with various stakeholders and formulated this OGEL policy and submitted for Defence Minister’s approval.
  • The OGEL is a one-time export licence to be granted to a company for a specific period which is two years initially.
  • The application for grant of OGEL will be considered by Department of Defence Production (DPP) on a case-to-case basis.
  • For acquiring the licences, the applicant is mandatory to have Import-Export certificate.
  • The items permitted under OGEL includes components of ammunition and fuse setting device without energetic and explosive material, firing control and related ing and warning equipment and related system and body protective items.
  • Complete aircraft or complete unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and any components specially designed or modified for UAVs are excluded under this licence.
  • The countries allowed under the OGELs are: Belgium, France, Germany, Japan, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, UK, USA, Canada, Italy, Poland and Mexico. Export of items to a Special Economic Zone is not permitted.


National Corporate Social Responsibility Awards

Why in news?

  • The President of India will present the National Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (NCSRA) to select companies for their outstanding contribution in area of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on 29th October, 2019 in New Delhi.


  • The National CSR Awards are the highest recongnisation in the domain of CSR by the Government of India.
  • The Awards have been instituted in 2017 by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
  • To recognize corporate initiatives in the area of CSR to achieve inclusive growth and inclusive and sustainable development.

Categories of Awards:

  • Total number of awards of National CSR Awards is 20 in 3 categories which are as follows –
  • Corporate Awards for Excellence in CSR
  • Corporate Awards in CSR in Challenging Circumstances:
  • Up to Eleven Awards to be given based on contribution to National Priority Schemes so as to motivate corporates to spend in these areas.


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