Building up a common vision for SDGs in South Asia

Relevance: G.S Paper II: Effect of policies and politics of developed and developing countries on India’s interests, Indian


South Asia covers about 3.5% of the world’s property surface region yet has a fourth of its populace, making it an area vital for global advancement.

Notwithstanding the geographic vicinity nations in this area appreciate and their basic socio-social securities, this is one of the world’s least coordinated locales. Intra-territorial exchange is a small 5% of the absolute exchange these nations do all inclusive, while intra-local venture is under 1% of the area’s generally speaking worldwide speculation.

South Asia’s normal GDP per capita is just about 9.64% of the worldwide normal. Representing over 30% of the world’s poor, the district faces bunch financial and natural difficulties

Missing initiatives:

While the nations share a large group of normal advancement challenges, financial participation stays not exactly satisfactory.

While, A couple of significant provincial activities, for example, the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC ) and the Bangladesh-Bhutan-India-Nepal (BBIN) Initiative have been embraced to unite the nations, monetarily and socially, there is extension for substantially more.

For an area with regular improvement difficulties of disparity, destitution, frail administration and poor foundation, a common vision of achieving the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) gives colossal chances to participation, coordinated effort, and combination (3C)

Why shared vision: 

The 17 objectives and their 169 focuses under SDGs are between associated and can’t be actualized by nations working in disengagement. Many are transnational in nature and require territorial endeavors.

South Asian nations could profit a great deal by embracing a territorial structure of collaboration that can bolster, fortify and invigorate the SDGs.

In the SDG Index 2018, which is an evaluation of nations’ advancement, among 156 nations just two South Asian nations, Bhutan and Sri Lanka, are in the best 100. India is positioned 112th.

Changing exhibitions and Similarities:

A more concentrated and progressive look at countries level exhibits that, India is performing great in:

  • Goal 1 (no destitution), Goal 6 (clean water and sanitation), Goal 12 (maintainable utilization and creation), Goal 13 (atmosphere activity) and Goal 16 (harmony, equity and solid foundations)
  • While doing ineffectively in objective 2 (zero appetite), Goal 5 (sex uniformity) and Goal 9 (industry, advancement and framework).

There are a great deal of likenesses among these three major economies(India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) of South Asia as for accomplishing some particular SDGs just as displaying lackluster showing in some shared objectives.


Most South Asian nations have gained great ground in completion outrageous neediness, however they face steady difficulties to objectives identified with industry, advancement and framework, zero yearning, sex equity, training, manageable urban areas and networks and tolerable work and monetary development.

These separated, the vast majority of South Asia keeps on being powerless against environmental change and atmosphere incited cataclysmic events.

Path ahead:

  • A provincial vital way to deal with handle normal advancement difficulties can carry colossal advantages to South Asia.
  • SDGs identified with vitality, biodiversity, foundation, atmosphere flexibility and limit improvement are transnational, and here strategy harmonization can assume a vital job in lessening duplication and expanding effectiveness.
  • Bangladesh has embraced praiseworthy activities for dissecting its accessible assets and extra subsidizing prerequisites for SDG execution, recommending that the nation requires an extra $928 billion to completely actualize the SDGs.
  • The investigation recognizes five potential hotspots for SDGs financing: open division, private segment, open private association, outer segment and non-government associations.
  • Essentially, India has planned some even minded plans and activities to improve sustenance and nourishment security from which a significant number of the neighbouring nations can profit.
  • To address institutional and infrastructural shortfalls, South Asian nations need further local collaboration. On financing the SDGs in South Asia, nations can move in the direction of expanding the progression of intra-territorial FDI. The private division also can assume an indispensable job in asset assembly.


In the event that the nations of South Asia, the quickest developing area of the world, can go to a typical comprehension on provincial incorporation and participation in accomplishing the SDGs, it can release an incredible synergistic power that can at long last make South Asia meet.

A union towards accomplishing a typical financial motivation gives trust that nobody in South Asia will be abandoned in the voyage towards destroying neediness and suffering nobility to all.

Coming to an obvious conclusion:

For the South Asia region, which has common development challenges of inequality, poverty, weak governance and poor infrastructure, a shared vision of attaining the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) provides enormous opportunities for cooperation, collaboration, and convergence (3C).

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