Analyse critically David Morgan’s views on family practices.

Sociology Optional Mains Paper 1 for UPSC | Year 2023 | Analyse critically David Morgan’s views on family practices. | Triumph IAS

Analyse critically David Morgan’s views on family practices.

Section: A.
Sociology Paper 2023 Analysis.
Relevant for Paper-1 :
System of kinship 

Question- 5 (d): Analyse critically David Morgan’s views on family practices.(10 Marks)

Introduction: Brief introduction of David Morgan idea of family

Main Body: Explain ideas of David Morgan of family talks, gender dynamics and family relationships in everyday work  and critics to his ideas

Conclusion: Significance of his dynamic view despite criticism


David Morgan’s perspectives on family practices have enriched our understanding of the intricate relationship that occurs within families and their broader societal context. He has added to concept of family beyond the classical structural aspects . He is particularly renowned for his focus on ‘family practices’ and the ‘doing’ of family life, rather than traditional structural definitions of what constitutes a family

Main body:

  • According to David Morgan, family practices encompass the everyday actions that family members undertake with the intention of affecting one another. These practices can range from simple conversations to more complex interactions.
    • Let’s take the example of “family talk.” Within families, much of the talk occurs with shared assumptions and references to past experiences.
    • This type of communication reaffirms the family relationship and its significance. Essentially, family practices and family relationships engage in a complex, improvised dance, where actions speak louder than words. 
  • Morgan argues that family life is not a static entity but a set of ongoing processes and practices. It includes everyday activities like cooking, cleaning, caring for children, and even less tangible aspects like maintaining emotional bonds, communication, and shared values.
  • Morgan’s work sheds light on the role of family practices in shaping gendered individuals and societies. He emphasises the reciprocal relationship between family life and the social context of the time and place.
  • In the UK, scholars have expanded upon Morgan’s concept of ‘family practices’ by introducing the idea of ‘displaying family’ ; indicates the evolving nature of academic discourse around family practices. The concept of ‘displaying family’ likely explores how families present themselves to the external world, underscoring the performative aspects of familial interactions.

A Critical Perspective:

  • Roseneil’s Argument : Roseneil argues that referring to family practices as such can be limiting. She believes that this approach reproduces hetero normative models of human relationships and fails to account for the diverse ways individuals live their lives. This criticism prompts us to explore alternative viewpoints.
  • Beyond the Nuclear Family Model: Several scholars have attempted to move beyond the nuclear family model in their understanding of family practices. One such approach emphasizes intimacy in relationships.
  • Lynn Jamieson’s work, for instance, highlights “disclosing intimacy” as an intimate connection of the self, distinct from physical intimacy. While this approach still overlaps with family relationships, it questions whether we should use a broader term like ‘intimate practices’ instead of the narrow ‘family practices.’
  • Jacqui Gabb’s research on intimacy in families demonstrates how ‘practices of intimacy’ intersect with and influence our understanding of ‘family practices.’ These practices involve making sense of the body, embodiment, and bodily interactions within families.
  • Morgan’s approach also tends to overlook power dynamics within families. It assumes a level of agency and choice in ‘doing’ family life that may not exist for all family members. For instance, in patriarchal families, women may have limited say in family practices.


While David Morgan’s perspectives on family practices offer a dynamic and inclusive comprehension of family life, it is essential to counterbalance this by recognizing the influence of structural factors and power dynamics that mould these practices.

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    Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices ,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices ,Analyse critically David Morgans views on family practices

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