An Investment in knowledge pays the best interest

#UPSC #ESSAY #CSE2021 #ExpectedTopicForEssay2021 #EssaybyVikashRanjan


  • Introduction

Research is concerned with increasing our understanding. Research provides us with the information and knowledge needed for problem solving and making decisions.

Research is sometimes divided into pure (or basic) and applied research in order to make a distinction between research that is carried out to further our knowledge and that which seeks to apply pre-existing knowledge to real world problems.

 Knowledge can act as a bridge between misery and hope, It proves the quote
“Education is the best weapon to change the world” of Nelson Mandela.

 Knowledge is not merely increase information of facts, figures arithmetic ability etc rather it’s a holistic concept which focus on overall personality development, character building, intellectual ability and strength to overcome hurdles of life. 

  • Temporal elaboration can add- Historically, knowledge has been the most important factor to make India a golden land, whether it was vedas, fiction of kalidas, scientific achievement of aryabhatta India has always been at top 
  • Sectoral Elaboration  Recognise the relationship between research, information,  KNOWLEDGE Sharing and development, ,participatory research methods. They attempt to involve different stakeholders .Analyise them in Sectorwise approach .
  • For example in education sector –practice-based or  applied  research,   the  defining criterion is transferring knowledge to industry / market while improving understanding of the practice of  a profession 
  • Higher education is a knowledge-Intensive    Research   has   been  recognised  as   a   key driver toward innovation,  and   is  becoming an essential function  Higher Education Institutions 
  • There is a growing need to develop a culture of innovation and problem solving skills amongst the youth to enable them to engineer solutions in food, water, healthcare access, education and affordable housing; and find environment friendly energy sources. 
  • Economically, research-knowledge play  a major  role in improving standard of living and enhancing earning capacity, it forms the base to promote entrepreneurship, give act of box solution and gain scale.
  • In the digital age of fourth Industrial revolution , Knowledge  of IT, Artificial Intelligence , robotics, networking  help to boost expert and hence GDP growth 
  • Contextual justification –   give examples in Sectorwise approach- how gap in research has been recognized as a major obstacle to improved health outcomes and drug development. Consequently, numerous initiatives have been created to reduce this gap and tackle processes, such as quality assurance, technology transfer, innovation diffusion, evidence-informed policy, and implementation research. 

Content guidelines –

Research comes   in  different   forms,  including   scholarship,   pedagogic  and   practice-based   research,  and   may include some forms   of   consultancy. The common understanding of research is  discovery of new knowledge

 Government has taken several initiatives to assess and improve the quality of research and knowledge in the country as follows:

  • Outcome based research financing.
  • Liberal research grants for both social sciences and basic sciences.
  • Setting up Incubation Centers with Seed Money to do innovative research
  • Strengthen STEM (science, technology, engineering & mathematics) education by creating additional infrastructure .There is also a need to have an adequate level of awareness of science and technology in society.
  • . There is also a need to broaden the knowledge base of the people on science, technology and current global issues for sustainable development of the society and considered decision making.
  • A strong innovation eco-system is very important for creating an innovation society which facilitates the birth of new ideas and also provide platforms for the successful exploitation of these ideas.

 Conclusion –

  • The National Education Policy 2020 envisions an education system rooted in Indian ethos that contributes directly to transforming India, , sustainably into an equitable and vibrant knowledge society, by providing high-quality education to all, innovation and research and thereby making India a global knowledge superpower by equipping its students with the necessary skills and knowledge.
  • Establishment of a National Research Foundation (NRF). The overarching goal of the NRF is to enable a culture of research to permeate through our universities. 

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