UPSC: 2019 G.S paper III: Solution

How was India benefitted from the contributions of Sir M. Visvesvaraya and Dr. M. S. Swaminathan in the fields of water engineering and agricultural science respectively?


Role of Sir M.Visvesvaraya

  • Water Utilization techniques
    Sir M. Visvesvaraya developed modern techniques that ensured that water was optimally utilised by the population. He developed water supply system for Sindh and also designed drinking water storage facility for the Hyderabad state.
  • Irrigation systems
    Southern part of Karnataka was extensively irrigated by constructing KRS dam and developing canal system. The irrigation enabled the region to convert into a suagr bowl of the region.
  • Hydropower harvesting
    Sir M.Visvesvaraya was the reason for pioneering hydropower projects in Karnataka state even before rest of the country. He designed power stations in Sivasamudram and Gersoppa in Karnataka, which were then used to provide electricity to industries.

 Contributions of Dr. M.S. Swaminathan

  • Food fortification
    Dr Swaminathan was responsible for developing varities of crops that were incorporated with certain nutrients that supplemented health benefits for the consuming population. This reduced malnutrition significantly.
  • Hybrid variety of seeds
    He was a great force behind developing varieties of Wheat and Rice, which were capable of sustaining variable temperatures, diseases and also gave high yield for the farmers.
  • Food security
    India was highly dependent on foreign imports of food grains to be supplied for the population. The green revolution, headed by Dr Swaminathan, was successful in making India a food grain sufficient economy.


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