When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
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When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
Continue readingDiscuss the relationship between sociology and political science. Section: A Sociology Paper 2023 Analysis (Relevant Paper 1: Unit-2 Sociology as
Continue readingEthical Standards in Public Service [Relevant for Public Administration (Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)] Ethical Standards in Public Service Public service constitutes
Continue readingInterpretive and Qualitative Strategies (Relevant for Sociology Optional for Civil Services Examination) Interpretive and qualitative methodology Regardless of the significant
Continue readingConcept of Inequality Relevant for Sociology Paper-1 (Unit-5) Social inequality Concept of Inequality is a pervasive aspect of all societies,
Continue readingMax Weber was a renowned German sociologist who is best known for his thesis combining economic sociology and the sociology
Continue readingMax Weber: Authority (Relevant for Sociology Optional Paper 1 (Unit 4)) Weber’s conceptual model of bureaucracy encompassed several components, including
Continue readingObjectivity and Value Freedom (Relevant for Sociology Optional Paper 1 (Unit 2)) The notion that science should be impartial and
Continue readingAlienation Marx has conceptualized alienation as a phenomenon intrinsic to societies where the worker is disconnected from the means of
Continue readingModernity and Social Changes in Europe and Emergence of Sociology (Relevant for Sociology Paper-I) Modernity is inexorably intertwined with the
Continue readingWork and economic life (Relevant for GS Paper-1,Unit-6) The precarious existence of laborers in India India’s industrial development and economic
Continue reading“The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism,” by Max Weber was a book that stood Karl Marx on his
Continue readingSociological perspectives on poverty Relevance: Sociology: Stratification and Mobility: Concepts- equality, inequality, hierarchy, exclusion, poverty and deprivation; Theories of social stratification- Structural
Continue readingMax Weber’s Theory on Power (Relevant for Sociology Paper I) Max Weber deals power primarily in the context of
Continue readingSociological Theory: Origin & Development (Relevant for Sociology Optional for Civil Services Examination) by, Vikash Ranjan (Author, Fundamentals of Sociology
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