Relevant for Sociology Syllabus Paper 1 & Paper 2 :- Informal Sector The labour codes will only better India’s ‘ease
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Relevant for Sociology Syllabus Paper 1 & Paper 2 :- Informal Sector The labour codes will only better India’s ‘ease
Continue readingSURROGACY: A BLESSING FOR MODERN SOCIETY Relevance: G.S paper I: Society and social issues: Role of women and women’s organization,
Continue readingRelevant for Sociology Syllabus Paper 2 :- Tribes in India The Adivasis seem to be among the most misunderstood and
Continue readingSURROGACY: SOCIOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING & IMPLICATIONS IN INDIAN SOCIETIES Relevance: Sociology: Population policy and family planning. Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios,
Continue readingWOMEN ENTREPRENEURS AS THE AGENTS OF CHANGE Relevance: Sociology: Paper I: Social Change in Modern Society: Agents of social change.
Continue readingFGM: A DARK SIDE OF THE SOCIETY Relevance: G.S paper I: Society and social Issues Sociology: Paper II: –Emerging issues:
Continue readingRURAL ECONOMIC GROWTH IN INDIA AND THE EMERGING PATTERN OF RURAL TOWNS Relevance: Sociology: Paper II: Rural and Agrarian transformation
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Paper I: Sociological thinkers: Karl Marx: Historical materialism, mode of production, alienation, class struggle. Conflict theory in sociology
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology Paper I: Emile Durkheim- Division of labour, social fact, suicide, religion and society. Introduction When one takes a close
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: paper I: Stratification and Mobility: Concepts- equality, inequality, hierarchy, exclusion, poverty and deprivation. Sociology paper II: Challenges of
Continue readingMAHARASHTRA’S TWO-CHILD NORM FOR GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES Relevance: Sociology: Paper II: Population Dynamics: Population size, growth, composition and distribution. Components of population
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Max Weber- Social action, ideal types, authority, bureaucracy, protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism. G.S paper IV:
Continue readingSEXUAL ASSAULT UNDER POCSO ACT Relevance: Prelims/Mains: G.S paper II: Governance & Sociology: Constitution, law and social change. Education and
Continue readingCHILD MALNUTRITION IN INDIA Relevance: Mains: G.S paper I: Social Issues & Sociology: Poverty, deprivation and inequalities. Context India loses
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