Essay topic:
Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication
(Relevant for Essay Writing for UPSC Civil Services Examination)
Simplicity is the Ultimate SophisticationThe year was 1893. At the World Parliament of Religion in Chicago, there was someone “shining like a diamond”. It was not because he was giving some complex theories but because of his simple message of “Equality among all Religions” which resonated with all. “I pity those who want exclusive survival of their own religion because peace and harmony among all is the way forward.” He was none other than Swami Vivekananda. His message of “assimilation” and “harmony” was the ultimate sophistication – the only truth! “Simplicity” may mean simplicity of ideas, policies, culture or transition. The phrase “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” thus means that it is only a simple idea, culture or person who ultimately triumphs. Simplicity doesn’t have anything to do with being regressive; rather, it is the most “forward” and progressive manifestation. It ultimately triumphs as it is easy to understand, can be followed in mass scale, and thus has ripple effects. The non-violent campaign by Gandhiji is an apt illustration of this. Let us see how simplicity has always been the ultimate sophistication in society. In 2000 BC, the Indus Valley civilization flourished, and it was the most advanced civilization of its time. It was only the simple yet sophisticated art of baked bricks that its structures are found even today while many kingdoms with their remains wiped out. A thousand years later, a new religion Buddhism propagated by Gautam Buddha emerged and expanded in the whole of Asia. It was the simple message of “peace, truth and non-violence” which resonated with the common public, ultimately making it popular. Similar was the case with Bhakti Movement, which started in the 7th century. Avoiding idol worship, caste discrimination and simplifying the message of God and religion led to its populism. Kabir, Nanak and Mirabai all propagated “simplicity of devotion and love” being the essence of religion, thus ultimate sophistication. During medieval India, Fodar Mal’s Dahsala system led to high revenue collection for the kingdom because of its simplicity. It was made in consultation with all and simple to be understood by a peasant. “Simple Living and High Thinking” was a message propagated by Gandhi. This not only reflected in his personal life but also in his acts and message of truth and non-violence which triumphed even against the mighty Britishers. He won without even firing a bullet! His act is not alone. It has inspired many across the world. Be it the “Montgomery Bus Boycott” of Martin Luther King or Nelson Mandela’s struggle against apartheid. Simplicity has been the ultimate sophistication. In contemporary world today, mired with uncertainty of COVID-19 crisis, simplicity has acquired a greater role for family. People are surrounded by stress and mental depression. The solution lies in simple yet effective practices of yoga, meditation and Ayurveda. Simply talking to family members, giving time with oneself is touted as an antidote to depression. Simple food habits are the panacea for a long life. As people and nations today understand the importance of “simplicity being the ultimate sophistication”, it is being promoted in various sectors. Countries today are trying to ease rules for doing business. India, in particular, has gone ahead with reforms like e-Tax assessment and ICE Gate (custom clearance portal), all aiming to simplify economic rules thus leading to ultimate sophistication of generating employment. Simplicity also means to democratize the process and giving more powers in the hands of people. Decentralization of powers by 73rd and 71st Amendments by Panchayati Raj Institutions fulfills it. Governance today is run on the maxim of “Minimum Government, Maximum Governance”; portals like mygov.in, PRAGATI, Gram Swaraj all aim to simplify the process for a common person and empower them. Today, Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) and Right to Information (RTI) have simplified the process of subsidy and information respectively thus leading to check on corruption. Truly, Simplicity has been ultimate sophistication for Indian polity. Napoleon Bonaparte had said, “A law should be so small that it can come into a pocket and so simple that even a peasant can understand.” Scrapping outdated laws and simplification of various factory acts into 4 codes on wages for labourers/workers are in line with the above maxim. A simple law is not only easy to understand but also leads to high obedience, which is the ultimate objective. As the world goes deeper into the climate catastrophe, simple practices are gaining ground. In light of soil degradation, organic farming and Zero Budget Natural farming are being taken up by farmers. The simple practice of “Beejamrita”, “Jinamrita” and “Waaphasa” are being touted as a solution. It was a “simple” practice of hugging trees in Chipko movement that saved thousands of trees. Even at the production and marketing stage, govt. is following simplicity by propagating e-NAM, scrapping outdated provisions of Essential Commodities Act, among others. Thus, simplicity is turning out to be the ultimate sophistication for Agriculture. Simplicity is even guiding technology today. MMCs are in a rat race to simplify the user experience to gain profit. A weather report for a farmer or an online lecture for a student, all are just a click away. The internet has become the “town square” of the world today, and simplicity is its currency. Today, as the world moves into Industrial Revolution 4.0, we need to ask ourselves as to why is it so? The answer lies again in simplifying our lives. It has always been the simple who have thrived. Be it the simple practices of tribals of Andaman Islands which helped them survive 2004 tsunami even when whole nations were destroyed or the simple architecture of Gol Gumbad or Taj Mahal. Simplicity has been the ultimate sophistication. At the same time lives of Gautam Buddha and Dr Kalam are examples of simplicity at its best. They were educated not only in minds but also in hearts, and here lies the difference. Apart from simplicity, people need also to be more aware and be empowered. Setting right role models goes a long way into defining our future. Simplicity can only be understood in proper guiding light, and hence capability education is important; otherwise vices of communalism, casteism creep in as had been at the time of independence, even in the presence of Gandhi. A complex (wo)man today is surrounded by gadgets. This has led to vices of decreased attention span, short-temperedness, distractions, mental illness, lack of discourse among others. The need today is to simplify the problem. Tata and Narayan Murthy are idols today not only because of their wealth but also because of their simple living and high-value system. Even for Dalai Lama, Religion is simple, and it is humanity. If Maxim of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam (All World is one family) is to be realized, simplicity has to be adopted not only in personal actions but also international relations. The message of peace, non-aggression and mutual benefit is needed more than ever. If Vivekananda’s youth having “muscles of iron” and “minds like thunderbolt” needs to be realized, simplicity needs to be the ultimate sophistication. |
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keyword: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,