• (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1 – Systems of Kinship; PAPER-2 –Systems of Kinship in India.)
  • (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper 1- Role of women and women‘s organization.)
  • Family plays a vital role in everyone’s life. The environment and emotional connection with family affect the person’s behavior and personality. Family is one of nature’s masterpieces.
  • In the initial stages of life, the family is the one who takes care of the children’s welfare, needs, and wants. A right family environment can lead to good development and growth of the child. It will have a positive impact on the child. For a child, learning starts at home; they try to capture, analyze, understand, and copy the behavior of the people around them. The wellbeing of the family has a direct effect on the child.
  • The child learns about specific values, principles, dos, and don’ts, and they grasp it easily when they see how their family behaves with each other and try to inculcate the same in their life. The child can mould to be a good human being with the help of the family.
  • Learning for a child is of utmost importance. A child’s future depends on learning and upbringing at a younger age. Socialization, language development, emotional skills developed in the child is the responsibility of a family. Children understand the language and try to speak when they hear people around them talk. Family is the first social group for the child.
  • The child begins the first interactions with the family, learns about relationships, feelings, responses, and expressions. A family who shares a good bond has an emotional connection; can teach the child the importance of sympathy, compassion, and togetherness.
  • As we grow, the family becomes our financial and emotional support. A supportive and understanding family will allow the person to be successful and happy in life. The security that a family offers builds trust between the family members. A tiring day at the office, but you feel relaxed when you come back home and enjoy your time with the family.
  • The whole family setup can change your mood very quickly. Having dinner or watching a movie, or playing sports with your loved ones, will release tension or work pressure.
  • You can peacefully go back to the bed. On the other hand, if you had a bad day at the office and come home to a disturbed family, it will harm the mental health and lead to tensions, disturbances, and a toll on the person’s wellbeing.
  • Many cases worldwide indicate that most people commit suicide due to the fear of being left out by the family—the fear of depression, loneliness, and rejection harm the human mind.
  • Also, the research says that good family dynamics will significantly impact a person’s health. There is less probability of onset of illness, disability, and death. Growing up in a bad and unhealthy environment leads to poor health and development.
  • Family plays a significant role in one’s life; it shapes a person’s characteristics, values, physical and mental health. Having a happy family is one of life’s most significant rewards. “Family is not an important thing; it’s everything.”.


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