• (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Systems of Kinship & Paper-2- Systems of Kinship in India)
  • (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper1– Effects of globalization on Indian society. )
  • Very Crucial Topic! I was thinking for a long time to write about this topic. I have seen many parents who have made their life of their children so complicated.
  • From toddler to teen and then young age, they don’t want to understand them. They want them to do a rat race to survive in the real world. They don’t care what their children want in their life.
  • Sorry for all parents because of their behaviour PRESSURIZE their children. All the children want a comfort zone if they don’t get from their house then they are searching outside.In this situation, they are becoming more rebellious in the 20s and 30s age.
  • This is the main problem which has started in the ’20s and ’30s. Parents are going to pressure for a career, finding a groom/ bride, and everything. They don’t care about what other persons want. I have seen many families who are in depression and pressurize their children to find a groom/ bride.
  • When they are finding from social sites, they are going to see the faults of that person. This is ridiculous. First, you are giving permission then you should understand the other person’s opinion.
  • Some families are doing partiality between successful and unsuccessful children. Those who are well in career and earn a good package as well. Parents are going to listen to each and everything about him/ her.
  • They allow love to marriage at that time. They are going to accept her/his love as well by forcefully. Those, who are less in career whatever he/she is asking they don’t provide them.
  • Some families are making a difference between girls and boys. I have seen educated families who are doing this. This is a really shameful act. Whatever boy demands they are going to fulfil but whatever girl wants they think useless.
  • Some families think that they are the best. Whatever they are doing for their children they think their betterment. Sometimes extra care is useless. With this behaviour, their children are telling many lies in front of them. They damn care about the selection of the bride/ groom for their children. They don’t want to understand their children. They just think about society. but don’t think about their children.
  • Some families are finding the groom/bride for their daughter/ son. They don’t want to be social with other families. They think they are best and strong. In this situation, they are delaying the marriage of their children. They don’t want to talk about the marriage of their children in front of society. This is arrogance which is ruining families.
  • Some families who are in the position to reject all the persons who want to marry their daughter/son. They just find faults rather than to think they are not best and also their children. With these things, they are delaying the marriage of the daughter/son.
  • Last but not least, you should better to give freedom to your children. Try to share all your thoughts with your children. Then children may or try to understand you as well. Try to become modern and leave all the orthodox values which are going to apart with your thinking as well as children.


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