How decisions are made in Bureaucracy

How decisions are made in Bureaucracy | Ethics for UPSC Civil Services Examination | Triumph IAS

How decisions are made in Bureaucracy [Relevant for Public Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude]

The bureaucracy is a mindless machine that turns out decisions mechanically. The rule-bound administration may look very neat and tidy, but it may not be able to serve the wider cause of public interest in public administration.

Still another argument can be derived from Herbert Simon’s discussion on administrative decision making.

According to Simon, administrative decision is often based on ground other than those of efficiency and economy. Social and psychological factors greatly influence the way decisions are taken by the decision-makers. The importance of sense of public interest as an ethical commitment in public administration assumes significance in this context.

As it has been very aptly commented upon by Herbert Simon:

“The most frequently hidden agenda in the deliberations of public servants is the effects of substantive or procedural decision upon the personal lives and fortunes of those deliberations and yet the very call to serve a large public often evoke a degree of selflessness and nobility on the part of public servants beyond the capacity of cynics to recognize or to believe. Man’s feet may wallow in the bog of self–interest, but his eyes and ears are strangely attuned to calls from the mountaintop.” This entails the CoI on a more metaphysical context between Voice of Consciousness coming from the top of the mountains and Crisis of Consciousness from the puddle of man’s feet.

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