Hope mission

Relevance: Prelims: Science and technology

Why In News? 

Recently, The United Arab Emirates(UAE) launched its first mission to Mars. 

  • It was initially due to launch on July 14 but has been delayed twice due to bad weather.

About the mission: 

  • The UAE first announced plans for the mission in 2014 and launched a National Space Programme in 2017 to develop local expertise as it lacks the scientific and industrial base of the big space-faring nations. It has an ambitious plan for a Mars settlement by 2117.
  • It strives to develop the scientific and technical capabilities of the gulf nation and move away from its reliance on oil.
  • It has cost $200 million and aims to provide a complete picture of the Martian atmosphere for the first time, studying daily and seasonal changes.
  • It was launched from Japan’s Tanegashima Space Center on an H-IIA rocket from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries. It will have a seven-month journey to Mars.
  • The MBRSC( Mohammed bin Rashid Space Centre) space centre in Dubai will then oversee the spacecraft journey to the red planet.

Instruments aboard:

  •  It is an orbiter and has three instruments, two spectrometers and one exploration imager (high-resolution camera).
  • One spectrometer will determine the temperature of the planet through the next year. The other will measure the oxygen and hydrogen levels at least 40,000 kilometres from the surface of Mars.
  • The imager will provide information on the ozone levels on the Red Planet.

Some other important Mars Missions:

  • NASA’s Mars Rover Missions- It consists of Spirit and Opportunity rovers. They searched for and characterize a wide range of rocks and soils for clues to past water activity on Mars. They landed on Mars in 2004 and Opportunity performed for 15 years.
  • NASA’s MAVEN– It stands for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution. This mission was developed to study the Martian atmosphere while orbiting Mars and was launched in 2013.
  • NASA’s InSight Mars Mission- It stands for Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport and is part of NASA’s Discovery Programme of 1992. It is a two-year mission that will study the deep interior of Mars to learn how all celestial bodies with rocky surfaces, including Earth and the Moon, formed.
  • ISRO’s MOM-  It stands for Mars Orbiter Mission (MOM) and is also called Manglayan.  It was India’s first venture into the interplanetary space. It was launched in 2013 as a technology demonstration mission. It aims at studying the Martian surface and mineral composition as well as scans its atmosphere for methane
  • ISRO’s MOM 2-  Following the success of its first Mars Orbiter Mission (MoM-1), the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is now preparing to launch India’s second interplanetary mission (Mom-2) to explore the red planet.
  • Japan has planned its own Martian moon in 2024.
  • The Rosalind Franklin rover, a joint effort by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Space Agency (Roscosmos), has been postponed to 2022 due to the outbreak of  COVID-19 pandemic.


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