Golden Langurs

Relevance: Prelims: Environment

Why in news?

• Primatologists have observed that the Gee’s golden langur (Trachypithecus geei), endemic to the semi-evergreen and mixed-deciduous forests straddling India and Bhutan, induce stillbirth of babies killed inside the womb of females, besides practising infanticide.

Crucial highlights:

• The scientific name of the species is known as Trachypithecus geei.

• The geographic range of golden langurs is limited to Assam, India and neighboring Bhutan where they live year-round.

• Golden langurs occupy moist evergreen and tropical deciduous forests as well as some riverine areas and savannas in Assam and Bhutan.

• Their hair ranges from dark golden to creamy buff and their faces are black and hairless except for a long pale beard. It has been noted that their fur changes colors according to the seasons.

Conservations status:

• In 2003, they were considered endangered by the IUCN Red List, and listed as Appendix I on the CITES website.

• The main reason for low numbers of golden langurs is because of their localized habitat and the rapid loss of this habitat due to deforestation.

• Chakrashila is India’s first wildlife sanctuary with golden langur as the primary species. Chakrashila has about 600 golden langurs whose population is scattered across western Assam and the foothills of Bhutan.


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