Distinguishing Leaders, Administrators, and Reformers: Impact on Human Values, Best Sociology Optional Coaching, Sociology Optional Syllabus

Distinguishing Leaders, Administrators, and Reformers: Impact on Human Values

Human Values- Lessons from Lives of Great Leaders, Administrators and Reformers

(Relevant for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude)

Leader and Administrator: Meaning and Differences

I have a question before we begin this exercise: Do you consider Donald Trump as a leader or an administrator? Or, for that matter, our Prime Minister Narendra Modi – do you think he is a leader or a manager? What about our previous Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh – was he a leader or an administrator?

For the first and second question, the answer is undoubtedly a leader. Both of them are natural-born Leaders, although Leaders are not actually “manufactured” within the perceptual drama of their existence. We will discuss more about this later on. As for the third question, the answer is, yes, you guessed it right, an administrator.

A leader operates in a creative-destructive mode, while an administrator works within the confines of protocol. We will delve further into this later.

Administration is defined as the process of working with and through others to efficiently achieve agreed-upon goals. An administrator, therefore, is responsible for carrying out this process.

Administrative theorists describe the essential roles and tasks of administration as planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

Management also deals with tasks such as planning, coordinating, directing, defining objectives, supporting the work of others, and evaluating performance. Thus, there exists a similarity between administration and management.

However, Leadership involves the exercise of high-level conceptual skills and decisiveness. It entails envisioning a mission, developing strategies, inspiring people, and changing culture.

Administrators are appointed and possess a legitimate power base. They have the ability to reward and punish. Their influence stems from the formal authority inherent in their positions.

On the other hand, Leaders can either be appointed or emerge from within a group. Leaders can influence others to perform beyond what is dictated by formal authority. In this sense, managers/administrators get other people to do, while Leaders get other people to want to do. Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. created a genuine desire in people to break free from their limited perspectives and expand their understanding of humanity.

Another distinguishing factor between Leaders and administrators is that Leaders initiate new structures or procedures to achieve organizational goals or objectives, whereas administrators utilize existing structures or procedures for the same purpose. In other words, administrators are concerned with shaping existing structures and processes of the organization to produce desired results, while Leaders have a vision or commitment and shape people around that vision or commitment. An administrator focuses on carrying out policies, while a leader formulates policies. An administrator does things right, while a leader does the right thing.


A reformer is an individual who seeks to enhance the existing conditions in society by introducing reforms in various areas of human activity, such as politics, social customs, and religion.

A social reformer is an advocate who fights for reforms to eliminate social evils such as child marriage, untouchability, female foeticide, and more. Notable examples of social reformers include Dr. B.R. Ambedkar, Raja Ram Mohan Roy, and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar. These individuals have made a significant impact on society through their philosophies and remarkable contributions.

A political reformer is someone who promises voters to address unethical practices or questionable activities within the government. Political reformers often tackle issues such as corruption in government offices, ensuring equal rights for all, and promoting transparency and accountability in government operations.

A religious reformer is an individual who believes that a particular religion has deviated from its original message, purpose, or goals and strives to restore it to its pure state.

To master these intricacies and fare well in the Sociology Optional Syllabus, aspiring sociologists might benefit from guidance by the Best Sociology Optional Teacher and participation in the Best Sociology Optional Coaching. These avenues provide comprehensive assistance, ensuring a solid understanding of sociology’s diverse methodologies and techniques.

Best Sociology Optional Teacher, Best Sociology Optional Coaching, Sociology Optional Syllabus, Leaders, Administrators, Reformers, Human Values, Social Reforms, Political Reforms, Religious Reforms, Leadership vs Administration, Notable Leaders, Social Evils, Government Transparency, Accountability.

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