Defeat is Never an option. Ever.

“Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.”

— Robert Collier

In this uncertain scenario, News media and reports sounds depressing and haunting all the time, with this where every approach seems directionless and the mind stressful.

You might even have walked away from what you really wanted believing that maybe this battle was not one you could win.

There’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes when you need to keep fighting the good fight against all odds.

Its challenging to keep track on regular targets and studies, especially when there is no Definite day and date to strategize according to syllabus.

You may wish you could take a small break to think through a new strategy, or you may have thought you already quit for good and now find yourself wanting to get back in the ring again.

Sometimes walking away is exactly what you need in order to gain perspective and return to shatter the wall that keeps you from your dreams.

You wouldn’t be the first person to believe the path you’re on is too tough to handle.

Defeat doesn’t have to be permanent. As long as you remain willing to get up and try again, there’s no stopping you from attaining your dreams. If you want something bad enough, realize that it’s your tenacity that can get you to where you are headed. Sometimes half the struggle is just hanging in there until the miracle happens.

Your battle might feel like you are ready to give up on your student loan debt, or it could be breaking away from family dysfunction. There might be a weight loss battle you never seem to win, or maybe you’re struck with terror by the thought of trying to find love again.

“It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.”

— Confucius

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