The most familiar question that You will encounter now for some days is… “Have I been a failure? Will I ever Clear CSE Mains Exam ? Things never work out for me no matter how hard I try. I don’t know what to do.” …
Well seriously, we all go through this, failure is a part of life. One of my close friends always says this: there is a difference between “I have failed” and “I am a failure”. Failure is an important part of life because #WE #ALL #LEARN #THROUGH #FAILURE. So much research has been done in this area. It is widely accepted that the more you accept the failure, the faster you can grow. It’s like a refining process.
But, the truth is, One can hardly understand the pain one has after failure in attempt, but can only let you know this old statement by Lori Deschene who says, Sometimes you just have to take a step back, take stock of your life, and recognize what isn’t serving you. It might be a relationship that causes you nothing but heartache, a pattern of behaviour that sets you up for disappointment or failure, or even just a refusal to accept reality for what it is. Whatever it is that causes you pain, find the self-awareness to be honest with yourself and the strength to let it go. Nothing will change till you do.
#The #missing #element: When you describe yourself as a failure you will lose a lot of self-esteem and that is never a good thing. Never describe yourself as a failure. It’s ok to say that something failed or that it didn’t work but don’t associate yourself with that failure. It doesn’t matter how many times something doesn’t work you are never a failure.
The whole of the #Bhagavad #Gita is about this missing element. It starts with Arjun refusing to fight his teacher. He did not want to fight because he was weak and fear overtook him. Whenever we want to do something important, like passing an exam or achieve success in business there is always this weakness that tell us that we may not succeed and it makes us afraid. Then there is also the other extreme where people think they will succeed no matter what and never ever fail. We always want to avoid both extremes.
#Faith:Throughout the Bhagavad Gita Krishna explain that there was only one thing Arjun was missing. The one thing he was missing was faith. When you see something going wrong the problem is usually lack of faith. It could be a lack of faith in relationships, a lack of faith in health, a lack of faith in devotion or a lack of faith that something is not happening for you. Lack of faith in the consciousness is the number one reason for most problems and issues. People just don’t have faith in the consciousness. People don’t have faith that things will work out.
Krishna says “Verily a man consists of his faith. He is what his faith makes him of. Three fold is the faith of beings according to their bygone impressions. Faith is the key element. If you have faith you can trust the process.
Without faith you will be forced to focus on the event. When things go fine no questions are asked but it’s only when things don’t work that we realise the important aspects. A rich man may think he is happy but if he decides that he wants to get in touch with the consciousness, only then will he realise that there are things that he is not good at. The reason he may not be able to do it is because he would not have faith. If you build faith your results will sky rocket.
#Trust:We must have trust. When you are failing you are not going to be able to automatically trust your mind because it’s not working. The same goes for the plan or the person. So whom can you trust? Krishna says you must trust your consciousness. This voice is always ready to speak to you.
People are attempting to trust their minds but it the consciousness that you must place your trust in. Trust the jiva.
#Listen: When things are not working take a step back and listen to the voice inside. Don’t listen to your mind and drop the word failure from your thoughts. Just let it go for a couple of days. Forget all those things that you want to happen and just focus on getting in touch with the consciousness.
When people take on something they often underestimate the time and effort that will be involved. It is really common and it can lead to frustration when things don’t happen as quickly as we think they should.
#Krishna says that this is because of Tamas. Work that is done without consequences of the good and bad and without regard to the competence involved is known as tamas work. This should be avoided. It causes frustration and anxiety which can lead to failure.
Remember failure is never permanent it’s only a bump in the road. The more you stay in the game, the higher the chance of success. Don’t throw all your hard work away.
Finally don’t underestimate faith. Spend time nurturing it. Get in touch with your consciousness. Remember “him the weapons cannot cut, fire cannot burn, water cannot wet, wind cannot dry. The self cannot be cut, dried, burned or wetted…Eternal, all pervasive, stable, immovable, everlasting the Self Reigns”
In tough times faith will be your greatest asset. Increase your faith and you will succeed.
“You are strong when you know your weaknesses. You are beautiful when you appreciate your flaws. You are wise when you learn from your mistakes.”