Virtual Reality: Boon or Bane?

  Virtual Reality: Boon or Bane? 


  • Virtual reality (VR) is a technological tool that is used to create realistic sounds, sensations, and images to give the user a feeling of realistic presence in a virtual environment. Three dimensional videos are a part of this technological tool.
  • Augmented reality (AR) is also a form of VR, wherein a live camera feed is used and layers of virtual information such as sound and images are superimposed on it.
  • VR is becoming increasingly popular, especially in the gaming industry, and its practical uses are being tested to see whether it can be used productively in sectors such as healthcare and education.
  • Main argument of the essay: Virtual reality presents a novel arena of technological development and has the potential to prove helpful to humanity; however the use and technology is still in a nascent stage, so it is too early to comment upon its overall character as beneficial or harmful.


  • Why is VR beneficial?
  • VR allows for training and education (simulation) in a safe space without having to venture out into the real world. For instance, it is dangerous to put a novice driver or pilot in a real situation during training. Instead, a VR simulator can be used for such training.
  • VR has a huge potential in medical teaching, as students can practice their skills on virtual patients before they are allowed to operate on real ones.
  • VR has made gaming experience for users very enjoyable and relatable. Now users do not only watch the screen but imagine being in a gaming environment as well.
  • VR has been successfully used in treating people who face anxiety or mental trauma. It provides them with a virtual environment that is safe.
  • VR can be used by governments to manage and observe the functioning of programmes. So officers can go to places through VR, which will save time and resources. It will also result in quick decision-making.

Are there any disadvantages of VR?

  • It is dangerous to totally rely on VR for training and education as one cannot achieve mastery without real-life experience; it may also lead to faulty training.
  • There are harmful health effects of VR headsets, as their prolonged usage can result in headaches, fatigue, and disorientation.
  • Some argue that VR requires a lot of cost inputs in terms of programming skills and high-end technology use. Compared to the benefits they provide, the costs are too high.
  • Psychologists note that the extensive use of VR can lead to inability among users in responding properly to real life experiences. Some may choose VR to escape from the harsh realities of real life, which is not socially desirable.
  • The privacy of individual users and the public at large may be compromised, as there are currently no effective checks to stop intruders from mixing real-life data into their VR.


  • VR technology is still in its infancy and its total potential usage is yet to be explored. However, there are already some promising areas such as healthcare, education, and governance where it can be used.
  • Even in its infancy stage, it has been observed that there are multiple harmful effects of VR on individuals and society. VR has multiple concerns related to health, safety, privacy, and long-term usage impact.
  • At the given stage, it is thus difficult to categorize VR as a boon or bane. Further research into its harm-causing effects and potential benefit is required to use it wisely. Advanced knowledge may also help us reduce or eliminate some of the negative impacts of VR.


  • Keywords: virtual reality, boon, bane
  • Both sides of arguments should be properly considered since the topic itself asks you to assess whether VR is a boon and bane.
  • The conclusion can be balanced in favour of either of the sides as long as strong arguments are presented to make the case.
  • As point of caution: It can be noted that this topic does not have many arguments to be made; it should be chosen only when the writer is not confident about any other topic.

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