The Sanitation Revolution – Creating Infrastructure

Relevance: Mains: G.S paper III: Indian Economy: infrastructure

Creating a sanitation revolution has been high on the agenda of the government. The Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM) was launched on 2nd October, 2014 to accelerate the efforts to achieve universal sanitation coverage in India and promote access to safe sanitation in India.

Swachh Iconic Places (SIP):

  • Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation has undertaken a multi-stakeholder initiative focusing on cleanliness in 100 location across the country which are “iconic” due to their heritage, religious and / or cultural signification. So far, in the first three phases, 30 iconic places have been identified.

Namami Gange:

  • The Namami Gange Programme is an initiative of Ministry of Water Resources (MOWR).
  • As an inter-ministerial initiative, making village on the bank of river Ganga ODF and interventions dealing with solid and liquid waste management (SLWM) are being implemented by MDWS.
  • All villages located across districts of Uttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal have been declared ODF with active help of state governments.
  • Now the Ministry has taken up 25 villages on the bank of River Ganga to transform them as Ganga Grams in coordination with NMCG.

GOBHARdhan scheme:

  • MDWS launched the Galvanising Organic Bio-Agro Resource dhan or “GOBHARdhan” scheme on 30th April 2018, at Karnal, Haryana.
  • The scheme is aimed at keeping villages clean while increasing the income of farmers and cattle owners by promoting local entrepreneurs to convert cattle dung, and other organic resources, to biogas and organic manure.


  • Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation launched Swajal, a community demand driven, decentralized, single village preferably solar powered, mini PWS programme for the 117 aspirational districts identified by NIIT Aayog.

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