New Education Policy and Change: A Detailed Analysis An NEP is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of
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New Education Policy and Change: A Detailed Analysis An NEP is a comprehensive framework to guide the development of
Continue readingRelevant for UPSC SOCIOLOGY OPTIONAL PAPER 2; G.S. MAINS SOCIETY. Social scientists in general and sociologists in particular have been
Continue readingRelevant for prelims and GS paper 3 (IR) :- NEW DELHI: With the ceremonial launch of the nuclear-powered arctic icebreaker
Continue readingRetrograde Move: The Punjab Cabinet has decided to amend the law to make acts of sacrilege against the holy books
Continue readingISRO and Advanced Materials: A national effort is needed to develop and produce advanced materials to drive the future space
Continue readingForeign Aids during Disaster: The Kerala government has asked the Centre to go by the 2016 National Disaster Management Plan
Continue readingMissing Children’s: Discrepancies in two government-commissioned surveys, both a year apart, submitted in the Supreme Court show that over two
Continue readingVoluntary Retirement of Doctors: The State can stop government doctors from taking voluntary retirement in public interest, the Supreme Court
Continue readingCurbing Open Urination: Under new norms, cities and towns wanting to be declared ODF+ (Open Defecation Free Plus) must also
Continue readingDeath Penalty for Shia Woman Activist: Saudi Arabia’s public prosecutor is seeking the death penalty against five human rights activists
Continue readingQuad Countries and Ocean Security: The Quad grouping is one of the many avenues for interaction among India, Australia, Japan
Continue readingMahadayi Water Dispute Tribunal:- An application was filed by the Goa government in the Mahadayi Water Dispute Tribunal in New
Continue readingSwachh Bharat Abhiyan:- The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, also known as the Clean India Mission started by the Indian government under
Continue readingRCEP:- Negotiations on the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), among 16 Asian and Pacific Ocean countries, have entered a decisive
Continue readingCredit Registry:- The Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934, may need to be amended to facilitate the setting of a
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