When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
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When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
Continue readingWhen considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
Continue readingMENSTRUAL HYGIENE DAY: DISPELLING STIGMA NEED GOVT INTERVENTION Relevance: Sociology: Women Reproductive health S paper I: Society and social issues:
Continue readingPRIORITISING WOMEN’S HEALTH NEEDS Relevance: Sociology: Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive health Poverty, deprivation and
Continue readingREDUCING EARLY PREGNANCY IS KEY TO SAFE MOTHERHOOD Relevance: Sociology: Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios, child and infant mortality, reproductive
Continue readingNORMS AFFECTING THE HEALTH IMPACTS OF CHILD MARRIAGE ON WOMEN AND THEIR CHILDREN Relevance: Sociology: Gender, Emerging issues: ageing, sex
Continue readingSURROGACY: A BLESSING FOR MODERN SOCIETY Relevance: G.S paper I: Society and social issues: Role of women and women’s organization,
Continue readingSURROGACY: SOCIOLOGICAL UNDERSTANDING & IMPLICATIONS IN INDIAN SOCIETIES Relevance: Sociology: Population policy and family planning. Emerging issues: ageing, sex ratios,
Continue readingReproductive Health of Women in India : A Social Fact File Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 2 – Reproductive health.
Continue readingUNFPA-State of the World Population Report 2020 Relevance: Prelims: International Why in news? The World Population 2019 report of the
Continue readingMenstruation: A Sociological View on an Unseen Discrimination & Taboo in Indian Society. Relevance: Sociology: Social Changes in India: Emerging issues: ageing,
Continue readingDysfunctions of Covid19 Lockdown for Population Dynamics-UN Report Relevance: Sociology: Population Dynamics: (a) Population size, growth, composition and distribution. (b) Components of
Continue readingICMR: Transmission of coronavirus from mother to baby Relevance: Sociology: (vi) Population Dynamics: (a) Population size, growth, composition and distribution. (b)
Continue readingMalnutrition among Women: Analysis Relevance: Sociology: Women issues: Violence against Women: Systems of Kinship: Visions of Social Change: Poverty Deprivation
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