Digital India (Relevant for Economics Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Digital India: Challanges for India Digital India is a Programme
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Digital India (Relevant for Economics Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Digital India: Challanges for India Digital India is a Programme
Continue readingEnforcement Directorate (ED) (Relevant for Polity Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Enforcement Directorate (ED) The Enforcement Directorate (ED) functions as
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Continue readingCooperatives in India (GS PAPER-2) A cooperative society is typically a voluntary group established by those who are less privileged
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Continue readingOrdinances For Agriculture reforms Relevance: Prelims/Mains: G.S paper II: Governance & G.S paper III: Indian Economy: Agriculture Why in News?
Continue readingMake in India- With focus on increasing the share of manufacturing sector in overall GDP, boosting employment and creating a
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