When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
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When considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
Continue readingWhen considering the array of 51 optional subjects for the UPSC Mains Examination, Sociology consistently stands out as a top choice.
Continue readingEthics of Police Conduct (Relevant for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) (Reference: Static) Police Misconduct and Brutality Police misconduct and brutality represent
Continue readingSeparation of Powers in India (Relevant for Polity Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Separation of Powers The notion of the
Continue readingParliamentary Privileges (Relevant for Polity Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Parliamentary Privileges Privileges refer to distinct entitlements, immunities, or exemptions
Continue readingIndian Constitution: Historical Underpinnings (Relevant for Polity Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Indian constitution: Historical underpinnings India, renowned as the
Continue readingGovernor (Relevant for Polity Section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) The appointment of the Governor, along with their powers and all
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Continue readingFundamental rights (Relevant for Polity section of General Studies Paper Prelims/Mains) Fundamental Rights (FRs) refer to those rights guaranteed directly by
Continue readingReconciliation of Public Administration (Relevant for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) Administrators In light of the contrasting perspectives held by both citizens
Continue readingUniform Civil Code (Relevant for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) The Law Commission of India has initiated a request for views
Continue readingARE WOMEN TRULY INDEPENDENT? (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Stratification and Mobility & Paper-2- Systems of Kinship in India)
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