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Sociology Paper I: Social Thinkers

        Religion is the opium of masses and an instrument of classes”

Marx wrote this line in 1843 as part of the introduction to a book that criticized philosopher Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel’s 1820 book, Elements of the Philosophy of Right. The same metaphor was used by many authors since then. For instance, by Vladimir Lenin while speaking of religion in Novaya Zhizn in 1905 and some writers speculate on what the modern “opium of the people” would be, such as sports fandom, celebrities, the distractions of television, internet, and other entertainment, etc.

In 19th century during the heydays of capitalism he intended to mean that religion acts as an opiate to dull the pain produced by the oppression of capitalistic Structures. In the phrase he also calls religion as an instrument of the oppression. That means it acts like as a mechanism of social control in the hands of bourgeoise to maintain the existing system of exploitation and reinforcing class relationship of domination-subordination.

 Religion can dull the pain of oppression in following way

  • It promises a paradise of eternal bliss in life after death-. Engels argued that the appeal of Christianity to oppressed classes lies in its promise of Salvation from bondage and misery.
  • Some religion either makes a virtue of suffering produced by oppression or sees it as a justified punishment. Religion thus, makes inequality and poverty more tolerable.
  • Religion often justifies the social order and argued of it being god’s own creation. This encourages people to accept their situation philosophically.

Religion as an instrument of class

  • According to Marx, ruling class adopt religious beliefs to justify their position and justify social inequality to the rich as well as poor.
  • Marx and Engels gave example of nexus between landlord and church in Feudal Europe that how they controlled masses.
  • Religious ideas are furthered by bourgeoise to create an illusion of hope in hopeless situation and prevent thoughts of overthrowing the system. Religion is used to produce false consciousness in subject class.

 There are considerable evidences to support this expression of Marx.

  • Asia: The case system of India is justified by Hindu religious beliefs
  • Europe: In medieval Europe, kings and queens ruled by the ideology of divine right to rule.
  • America: Steve Bruce points out that, the ‘New Christian Right’ supported Ronald Reagan and G.W. Bush in successful campaign for the presidency.

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