COVID-19 and the surge in Domestic Violence Relevance: Sociology: Violence against women.Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labour. & G.S paper
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Sociology Optional Paper – II
COVID-19 and the surge in Domestic Violence Relevance: Sociology: Violence against women.Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labour. & G.S paper
Continue readingWeaker sections get cut off from learning due to online Classes Relevance: Sociology: Education and Social change; Social mobility- open and
Continue readingALCOHOL AND SUICIDE: SOCIOLOGICAL PERSPECTIVE Relevance: Sociology : Thinkers: Durkheim; G.S paper I: Society and social issues CONTEXT Five people with
Continue readingMen As Agents of Change for Gender equality Relevance: Sociology: Patriarchy and sexual division of labour; Social Change in Modern Society:Agents of
Continue readingCOVID-19 & The Plight of Reverse migration of workers Relevance: Sociology: Work and economic life: Formal and informal organization of work;
Continue readingMIGRANT WORKERS: LONG-TERM ADVERSITY CONTINUES DEALING WITH SHORT-TERM COVID-19 Relevance: Sociology: Work and economic life: Formal and informal organization of work;
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Social classes in India: Issues of Minorities in India: & G.S paper I: Society and social issues I.
Continue readingTransgender amidst COVID-19 Relevance: Sociology: Social classes in India: Issues of minorities: Poverty,deprivation and inequality: Challenges in Social transformation &
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Stratification What are the critiques discussed for the structural-Functional theory? “Social stratification systems function to limit the possibility
Continue readingLONG LIVE THE NATION-STATE Relevance: Sociology: Nation & state & G.S paper II: Polity International Relations | Topic: India’s Foreign
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Migration & G.S paper: I: Society and social issues Recent lockdowns across INDIA because of spread of pandemic
Continue readingConsequences of Coronavirus accelerating a culture of “no touching”: A new form of Untouchability Relevance: Sociology Touch has profound benefits
Continue readingAppointment of non-Brahmins as Priests Relevance: Sociology: Challenges of social transformation: Caste conflict; open and closed system in caste Social
Continue readingPandemics: Risks, Impacts, and Mitigation Relevance: Sociology: Population Dynamics: (a) Population size, growth, composition and distribution. (b) Components of population
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Role of state: Social control Why in news? The Centre recently invoked provisions of the Epidemic Act, 1897
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