IAS, Vidhu Shekhar
Essay Topic:
New India: Aspirations for Global Leadership
(Relevant for Essay Writing for UPSC Civil Services Examination)
The UPSC Mains Exam consists of total 9 papers, including an essay paper, which is crucial for determining the final result and ranking of candidates. Unlike Optional Subjects, the essay paper requires depth study, making it a significant factor in the selection process. The Essay Paper in the IAS Mains Exam comprises two sections, A and B, each containing four topics worth 125 marks, totaling 250 marks (125×2). Candidates are required to choose one topic from each section and write an essay of 1,000 to 2,000 words within the allocated three-hour time frame. When it comes to writing an essay for the UPSC exam, it should be well-structured, easy to understand, comprehensive, succinct, composite, definite, informative, and logical. To effectively prepare for the essay paper, practicing Essay Test Series and seeking Essay Mentorship are crucial. Many Toppers, including RAJAT YADAV, 141 Marks (Highest marks in Essay in CSE 2022), have followed 𝑽𝙞𝒌𝙖𝒔𝙝 𝙍𝒂𝙣𝒋𝙖𝒏 𝑺𝙞𝒓’𝒔 approach and wisdom for writing the essay.
New India: Aspirations for Global LeadershipOn the 15th of August 1947, India awoke to a new life. After innumerable sacrifices, finally, one of the most ancient civilizations once again tasted freedom. However, the freedom did not bring outright euphoria everywhere as we had massive challenges confronting us. The newly independent India was simmering with communal tension, had overwhelmingly illiterate population, and all-around prevalence of poverty. Indian democracy was looked at skeptically by Westerners who predicted the Indian democratic experiment to fail and the nation to descend into chaos. Seventy years later, democracy is thriving in India, the economy is one of the fastest growing, and all-around stability characterizes the new India. There is optimistic fervor all around that is the driving spirit of New India. People’s aspirations have grown, and now they are expecting the country to play a much larger role in the global arena. So, is India ready for a global leadership role? We shall look into this question in this essay by analyzing India’s historical role, the present opportunities, and the associated challenges. Finally, we shall conclude by analyzing what can be done to achieve the goal. A BRIEF PEEP INTO HISTORYIndia was one of the cradles of civilization. The Indus Valley civilization was one of the most advanced civilizations of its time, thriving way back in 2000 BC. It was not only limited to the regional level but also traded with far-off civilizations such as Mesopotamia. The Indus Valley civilization established India as one of the earliest global leaders of the planet. The next big push to India’s global leadership role came at the time when Buddhism started flourishing. The kings of various dynasties such as Maurya (notably Ashoka), Kushan, etc., played a big role in increasing the outreach of Buddhism. Thus, India acted as a center of culture from which it diffused to far-off places such as Central Asia, West Asia, and Southeast Asia. In the medieval era too, India’s role as a global leader was undisputed. India’s high-quality exports of muslin, silk, spices, etc., made it an economic powerhouse in global trade. Various Muslim invaders were attracted to India, hearing stories of its vast wealth. The Europeans competed with each other to find new trade routes to India. The intense greed among the Europeans to extract India’s wealth, coupled with declining native empires, led to its subjugation at the hands of imperial empires. This enslavement drastically curved India’s role as a global power. It turned India into ‘the most prized jewel of the British Empire’, exploited at will for imperial interests. By the end of British rule, India was reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. After seventy years of independence and immense toiling for rebuilding the country, we are again starting to witness a window of opportunity to assume global leadership. THE OPPORTUNITIESThe global geopolitical scenario has rapidly evolved recently. The US’s role as the sole superpower, dominating every sphere, is coming to an end. We are witnessing the meteoric rise of China, making entities like the EU, ASEAN, etc., fail to maintain a single voice on various issues. Where can India assume the global mantle? Climate change has emerged as a major global issue with ramifications worldwide. However, the US, which until recently played a key role, has decided to withdraw from the Paris climate treaty. This signals its non-commitment to combating climate change and has left a big void. India is in an ideal position to assume global leadership in combating climate change. India’s INDC (voluntary commitment) to the Paris treaty is one of the most ambitious in the world, and we have already made rapid strides in switching to green energy. Another area where we can play a big role in global leadership is the promotion of free trade and a rules-based order. The major capitalist powers like USA and UK, which were champions of promoting free trade, have now turned to protectionism. India should become the leader of nations advocating for more liberalization in the movement of labor and capital. Another area where India’s role as a leader would be decisive is in protecting the interests of developing countries. At WTO negotiations, developed countries demand reductions in subsidies to the agriculture sector given by developing countries. Here, India is already playing a big role by being the leader of the G-33 grouping as well as playing an instrumental role in bringing in the peace clause at the WTO (no reduction in subsidies until further decision). When it comes to maintaining global peace and combating terror, India has been a major voice for a long time. India had raised the issue of radical Islamic terror long before it got the attention of the West. India’s commitment to anti-terrorism is reflected in its drafting of the comprehensive convention on International terrorism (CCIT), which is yet to be passed in the UN. India has raised the issue of terrorism at various forums like the UN, BRICS, ASEAN, etc. In the cultural sphere, India has major prospects in assuming a global leadership role. Yoga has become an internationally recognized activity, and India is playing an important role in further promoting it (e.g., International Yoga Day being celebrated). India has vast cultural heritage which could help it become a magnet for tourism. The varied biodiversity (Tigers, lions, elephants, etc.), wide-ranging topography (deserts, icy mountains, beaches, etc.), along with man-made heritage monuments of diverse religions (Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, etc.), help situate India in a unique position. Another aspect that can help India become a global leader is its demography. India is the second most populous country in the world, with a bulk of its population in the youthful stage. The youthful population can power the country to new heights. Already, the English-educated class has helped India become a leader in ITES/BPO services. If we look at the technology sector, ISRO has done a commendable job. It has propelled India into the elite group of global space exploring countries. The low-cost missions like Mangalyaan are still a spectacular achievement respected by all. We have seen the opportunities, now let’s look at the challenges ahead. CHALLENGES TO OVERCOMEOne of the most pressing challenges to overcome is the burgeoning population. With the rising population and not a proportionate increase in jobs, we might see the demographic dividend turn into a demographic disaster. Another challenge we face at the international level is that of a non-accommodative China. This is seen in China’s resistance to India’s admission to NCG, opposition to UN Security Council reform, etc. China’s overt and covert obstructions present a significant challenge to our global ascendency. Another challenge is being presented in the form of the rise of protectionism. This will hinder India from benefiting from trade as previous global leaders did. The current institutional frameworks also present a challenge. The UNSC still reflects the scenario of the post-World War 2 world through its composition. Without UNSC membership, it would be difficult to become a truly recognized global leader. The challenge to the credibility of India’s global leadership is coming from its own backyard too. Pakistan has had a belligerent attitude since independence, and recently even our traditional allies like Nepal have begun to drift away. WHAT THE FUTURE HOLDSAs we have seen in this essay, in this fast-changing global geopolitical structure, India is uniquely placed to become a global leader. However, there are associated challenges that have to be overcome in our quest. The Indian civilization, for the most part of its written history, has played one of the dominant roles influencing the global order. We have weathered countless invasions and carnage and yet always managed to find our way back to the top. Thus, the time has come to act, and act substantially, to reclaim our rightful place at the top of the global order. |
Why Vikash Ranjan’s foundation Classes for Essay?
Proper guidance and assistance are required to learn the skill of writing essay topics in CSE examination. VIKASH RANJAN SIR at TRIUMPH IAS guides students according to the Recent Trends of UPSC, making him the Best Essay Teacher for Essay writing UPSC.
At Triumph IAS, the Best Essay Writing Coaching platform, we not only provide the best study material and applied classes of Essay for IAS but also conduct regular assignments and class tests to assess candidates’ writing skills and understanding of the subject.
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- The Programme is Planned & Executed in a Way that You Write a good Essay for obtaining Effective Score of 140 Plus.
- In this programme we provide Classes on
- How to INTRODUCE The Topic in Context of the THEME of the Essay
- How to Elaborate & Explain the Topic-Theme on Temporal Scale & Sectoral Scale as well as Intellectual Scale in the MAIN BODY of the Essay.
- How to Sum up the Topic in CONCLUSION in Context of the Essay Topic Theme.
- ︎We will Teach You How to use the Knowledge Matrix of General Studies & Optional to write a Good Essay more Logically and Coherently.
- After the Classes You have to “Write to Learn & Learn to Score” .This means You have to Write the Essay Test Papers & Learn from the Feedback & Discussions.
Why Essay is Important and What We Offer in “Essay Test Series”?
- Triumph’s Essay Upgradation Test Series (Under Personal Guidance of Vikash Ranjan Sir) doesn’t only focus on improving student’s linguistic skills but also focus on improving student’s ability to comprehend the topic-sentence (subject) recall & relate the facts, concepts, propose thesis-statements, and logically assimilate the ideas & counter ideas with clarity in expression on temporal & Sectoral Scales of knowledge.
- Further students are provided one-on-one INTERACTION* Session with Vikash Ranjan Sir. Students get personal feedback on their strength and weaknesses, regarding what is ‘good about their essay and what more should be done to make it a better one’ by Vikash Ranjan Sir.
Why to take up this “Essay Test Series and Foundation” Course?
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- Inculcating Writing Competency in Essay for IAS, which is Different from Essay in English, Essay in School and College.
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