Hands that rocks the cradle rules the World

#UPSC #ESSAY #CSE2021 #ExpectedTopicForEssay2021 #EssaybyVikashRanjan

Hands that rocks the cradle rules the World

Introduction –

This proverb celebrates motherhood and highlights the influence of a mother on the child. As a mother, women are the most defining factor that can bring a change to society. Motherhood is the most powerful force in the world 

  • Temporal elaboration- can add- Historical examples of famous people who made a great contribution to build up human society to what it is today. The future of every society is theirs to manage and mold and with it, the rise and fall of empires and the way of the world.
  • Sectoral Elaboration– Elaborate how  Women are the great influencers of our world .Power that women have to shape the next generation and thereby change the world. The person who raises a child determines the character of that child and so influences the type of society that the next generation will create.
  • Progressive nature of women in society-
  • As daughters, sisters, and wives they have supported to man in various ways. In the more modern roles they have been educators, managers, political leaders, etc
  • They have even dared to break the gender barriers of late, and become mountaineers, pilots, also seen in the armed forces in combat roles. 
  • Contextual justification – Give Examples of women who have played their roles as mothers and care givers and raised great men . 
  • Link this quote to importance of Education in women’s life .how educated women will all the more contribute and nurture great men in society .

 Content guidelines –

Although this proverb does not mean that a mother literally rules the world, it does imply that a mother plays an all-powerful role in the life of her child: it means that a mother has power in the household and the community, the smallest unit of the world.

 Thus, the proverb celebrates motherhood and her role in transforming a child into an achiever. Since the future lies in the hands of the kids of today, the future of the kids is today in the hands of their mother. In that sense, she is indeed the defining factor which can bring a greater change to the society, as a whole.

 Towards the conclusion add

Steps required for making Women capable to play their designated role in Society-

  • Capacity Building Programme for Elected Women Representatives (EWRs)
  • Raise Social awareness through effective programs of education and Mass Communication
  • Elimination of poverty, illiteracy and ill health among women
  • Utilization of public funds meant for the Welfare of women

A future leader of the women’s movement said: “Educate your women and the nation will take care of itself, the hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.”


One comment

  1. Apart from Women, there can be other people also who influence a child’s upbringing. The mother’s role could be performed by father, brother, sister, or any care taker, foster parent, guardian, anybody. So this essay should not be limited to mothers only but could include anybody who has a role in child’s upbringing.

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