“ GS 1 Paper 2023 ”
Marks : 250
Duration: 3 hours
Exam Date: 16-09-2023
Subject: GS 1 Paper 2023
- Explain the role of geographical factors towards the development of Ancient India. (Answer in 150 words) 10
2. What was the difference between Mahatma Gandhi and Rabindranath Tagore in their approach towards education and nationalism? (Answer in 150 words) 10.
3. Bring out the socio-economic effects of the introduction of railways in different countries of the world. (Answer in 150 words) 10
4. Discuss the consequences of climate change on the food security in tropical countries. (Answer in 150 words) 10
5. Why is the world today confronted with a crisis of availability of and access to freshwater resources? (Answer in 150 words) 10
6. How are the fjords formed? Why do they constitute some of the most picturesque areas of the world? (Answer in 150 words) 10
7. Why is the South-West Monsoon called ‘Purvaiya’ (easterly) in Bhojpur Region? How has this directional seasonal wind system influenced the cultural ethos of the region? (Answer in 150 words ) 10
8. Do you think marriage as a sacrament is loosing its value in Modern India? (Answer in 150 words) 10
9. Explain why suicide among young women is increasing in Indian society. (Answer in 150 words ) 10
10. Child cuddling is now being replaced by mobile phones. Discuss its impact on the socialization of children. (Answer in 150 words) 10
11. What are the main features of Vedic society and religion? Do you think some of the features are still prevailing in Indian society? (Answer in 250 words ) 15
12. What were the major technological changes introduced during the Sultanate period? How did those technological changes influence the Indian society? (Answer in 250 words ) 15
13. How did the colonial rule affect the tribals in India and what was the tribal response to the colonial oppression? (Answer in 250 words) 15
14. Comment on the resource potentials of the long coastline of India and highlight the status of natural hazard preparedness in these areas. (Answer in 250 words) 15.
15. Identify and discuss the factors responsible for diversity of natural vegetation in India. Assess the significance of wildlife sanctuaries in rain forest regions of India. (Answer in 250 words) 15
16. Why did human development fail to keep pace with economic development in India? (Answer in 250 words) 15
17. From being net food importer in 1960s, India has emerged as a net food exporter to the world. Provide reasons. (Answer in 250 words ) 15
18. Does urbanization lead to more segregation and/or marginalization of the poor in Indian metropolises? (Answer in 250 words ) 15
19. Why is caste identity in India both fluid and static? (Answer in 250 words) 15
20. Discuss the impact of post-liberal economy on ethnic identity and communalism. (Answer in 250 words ) 15
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