IAS FAIZAN AHMED took Mentorship under the
Personal Guidance of “Vikash Ranjan Sir”
Essay Topic:
Good fences make good neighbors
(Relevant for Essay Writing for UPSC Civil Services Examination)
The UPSC Mains Exam consists of total 9 papers, including an essay paper, which is crucial for determining the final result and ranking of candidates. Unlike Optional Subjects, the essay paper requires depth study, making it a significant factor in the selection process. The Essay Paper in the IAS Mains Exam comprises two sections, A and B, each containing four topics worth 125 marks, totaling 250 marks (125×2). Candidates are required to choose one topic from each section and write an essay of 1,000 to 2,000 words within the allocated three-hour time frame. When it comes to writing an essay for the UPSC exam, it should be well-structured, easy to understand, comprehensive, succinct, composite, definite, informative, and logical. To effectively prepare for the essay paper, practicing Essay Test Series and seeking Essay Mentorship are crucial. Many Toppers, including RAJAT YADAV, 141 Marks (Highest marks in Essay in CSE 2022), have followed 𝑽𝙞𝒌𝙖𝒔𝙝 𝙍𝒂𝙣𝒋𝙖𝒏 𝑺𝙞𝒓’𝒔 approach and wisdom for writing the essay.
Good fences make good neighbors
Recently in Kerala, a pregnant elephant had died via accidently consuming crackers, which meant to tackle poaching of vermins in the agricultural field. The incident shook everyone and it made us to retrospect the relation between man and other beings of nature. The creation of fences and others to save human needs at the cost of wild animals had become a concern now and then.
On the other hand, the tale of ‘Hachiko’, a pet dog of a Japanese master, which appeared in the Hollywood movie depicts the heartfelt relation between men and animal.
It was a real story in which the stray dog was adopted by a Japanese guy had been waiting for years even after The unknown death of /its mater. It depicts The for extend of relation between man and animal.
Human’s relation with fellow beings especially of neighbors had been spoken by all the religions In the some tic religion like Islam and Christianity considers the love for neighobour is as much equal to the love and affection for the relatives. In Hinduism and especially the Indian culture propagates the idea of Sanathana Dharma and Adhti devo bava and all showcases the care and affection to be given to the neighborss.
When we look at the evolution of human societies from the primitive life to the most advanced modern life. It shows the degradation of care and affection within the communities. In earlier societies, The concept of fence protected private property were almost absent. Whereas in the modern society, The clear cut demarcation of private property is very much visible in all fields.
One has to look into the ways in which The ideal of peaceful co-existence of neighbors is getting threatened in recent times. In cities like Mumbai had been a venue of the attacks on migrants. The ethnic based conflicts in the north-east India also manifest the threats to good neighbors within in framework of Nation. It indicates that the fear of losing resources by the communities
Likewise the international level also, neighboring countries are engaging into was and venin in conflicts. India and Pakistan especially and the region of south Asia is one of the least engaged regions in the world. It is despite the fact that the countries in shares not just boundaries but also similar socio – cultural history. The breaking of several regional collaborations and the protectionist policies followed by the nation – states are yet again posing threats to good neighborhood.
So it calls for inspecting The origin of such threats. It is a fact that as human grows up from his/her childhood, starts loosing the innocence and free mindedness. The children rarely feels the differences among their peers and were able to see all his pars from an innocent lense. As the socialeration process, progress matured adult develops certain mindsets and complexities about his/ her fellow beings. It often result into the prejudiced and stereotypical altitude towards neighbors.
Therefore the contraction of good fences have to done carefully in the process of Socialization. The ideals of social harmony, liberty, justice and recognizing privileges and its extension has to be inculcated at the stages of socialization. It also meant to create good fences i.e., to demarcate meaningful differences and ensure peaceful co – existence.
So the construction of good fences among neighbors has to understand the biological adulthood Intents to draw the good fences between a boy and girl. Likewise the treating of children and elderly has to be taught inorder to draw meaningful fences with good intention.
If we analyze the kind of secularism envisaged by Indian constitution. will understand how the good fences can be constructed. As Rajeev Bhargava vicars, the Indian secularism adopts self autonomy via freedom and con____ of faith and simultaneously it advocates for maintaining a principled distance. It can be manifested via non – involvement of tax payers money for the promotion of any religion in particular. Therefore the conceptualization of Indian secularism ensures the peaceful co -existence with justice of multi religious communities in India.
In order to construct good fences which could result in to the emancipation of human societies requires more value based principles. It ought to develop accommodative and justifiable mindsets within human self rather than differentiating the Varity of identities.
Why Vikash Ranjan’s foundation Classes for Essay?
Proper guidance and assistance are required to learn the skill of writing essay topics in CSE examination. VIKASH RANJAN SIR at TRIUMPH IAS guides students according to the Recent Trends of UPSC, making him the Best Essay Teacher for Essay writing UPSC.
At Triumph IAS, the Best Essay Writing Coaching platform, we not only provide the best study material and applied classes of Essay for IAS but also conduct regular assignments and class tests to assess candidates’ writing skills and understanding of the subject.
Choose The Best Essay Writing Teacher for IAS Preparation and Know our Approach for Essay?
- The Programme is Planned & Executed in a Way that You Write a good Essay for obtaining Effective Score of 140 Plus.
- In this programme we provide Classes on
- How to INTRODUCE The Topic in Context of the THEME of the Essay
- How to Elaborate & Explain the Topic-Theme on Temporal Scale & Sectoral Scale as well as Intellectual Scale in the MAIN BODY of the Essay.
- How to Sum up the Topic in CONCLUSION in Context of the Essay Topic Theme.
- ︎We will Teach You How to use the Knowledge Matrix of General Studies & Optional to write a Good Essay more Logically and Coherently.
- After the Classes You have to “Write to Learn & Learn to Score” .This means You have to Write the Essay Test Papers & Learn from the Feedback & Discussions.
Why Essay is Important and What We Offer in “Essay Test Series”?
- Triumph’s Essay Upgradation Test Series (Under Personal Guidance of Vikash Ranjan Sir) doesn’t only focus on improving student’s linguistic skills but also focus on improving student’s ability to comprehend the topic-sentence (subject) recall & relate the facts, concepts, propose thesis-statements, and logically assimilate the ideas & counter ideas with clarity in expression on temporal & Sectoral Scales of knowledge.
- Further students are provided one-on-one INTERACTION* Session with Vikash Ranjan Sir. Students get personal feedback on their strength and weaknesses, regarding what is ‘good about their essay and what more should be done to make it a better one’ by Vikash Ranjan Sir.
Why to take up this “Essay Test Series and Foundation” Course?
- Essay is Low hanging Fruit. Marks in Essay is Effectively Contributing in Final Selection in New Pattern of Mains Exam. With a Well Developed ‘Knowledge Matrix and Rigorous Practice’, One can Score up to 160 + in Essay. So IAS Aspirants should never Ignore Essay Preparation
- Inculcating Writing Competency in Essay for IAS, which is Different from Essay in English, Essay in School and College.
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