COVID-19 & The Plight of Reverse migration of workers Relevance: Sociology: Work and economic life: Formal and informal organization of work;
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Salient features of Indian Society, Diversity of India.
Effects of globalization on Indian society.
Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism.
Issues relating to poverty and hunger.
Population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
Welfare schemes for vulnerable sections of the population by the Centre and States and the performance of these schemes; mechanisms, laws, institutions and Bodies constituted for the protection and betterment of these vulnerable sections.
Issues relating to development and management of Social Sector/Services relating to Health, Education, Human Resources.
COVID-19 & The Plight of Reverse migration of workers Relevance: Sociology: Work and economic life: Formal and informal organization of work;
Continue readingMIGRANT WORKERS: LONG-TERM ADVERSITY CONTINUES DEALING WITH SHORT-TERM COVID-19 Relevance: Sociology: Work and economic life: Formal and informal organization of work;
Continue readingWHY LGBTQ people are particularly vulnerable to corona virus? Relevance: Sociology: Minority and vulnerable sections in India: & G.S paper
Continue readingTransgender amidst COVID-19 Relevance: Sociology: Social classes in India: Issues of minorities: Poverty,deprivation and inequality: Challenges in Social transformation &
Continue readingLONG LIVE THE NATION-STATE Relevance: Sociology: Nation & state & G.S paper II: Polity International Relations | Topic: India’s Foreign
Continue readingConsequences of Coronavirus accelerating a culture of “no touching”: A new form of Untouchability Relevance: Sociology Touch has profound benefits
Continue readingAppointment of non-Brahmins as Priests Relevance: Sociology: Challenges of social transformation: Caste conflict; open and closed system in caste Social
Continue readingPandemics: Risks, Impacts, and Mitigation Relevance: Sociology: Population Dynamics: (a) Population size, growth, composition and distribution. (b) Components of population
Continue readingSociology of Corona Virus Outbreak: Themes & Perspectives by Vikash Ranjan Relevance: Sociology & G.S paper I: society Risk society
Continue readingInvolvement of Youngsters in various abuse Relevance: Sociology: Deviance: Youth substance abuse: Consequences Why in news? Minister for Social Justice
Continue readingRole of women and women’s organization: Closing the gender gap in science Relevance: Sociology: Role of women: sexual division of
Continue readingWomen Entrepreneurship: Transforming from domestic household to financial independence Relevance: Sociology: Women Empowerment: Role of women In Economy; Patriarchy and
Continue readingMalnutrition among Women: Analysis Relevance: Sociology: Women issues: Violence against Women: Systems of Kinship: Visions of Social Change: Poverty Deprivation
Continue readingSafety for women at Workplace Relevance: Sociology: Women Issues: Violence against Women: Patriarchy and division of labour; & G.S paper
Continue readingStatus of women in the Medieval India Relevance: Mains: G.S paper I: Indian Society; Medieval Indian Women The Medieval period
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