Diplomatic Relations,

Diplomatic Relations | Ethics for UPSC Civil Services Examination | Triumph IAS

Diplomatic Relations

[Relevant for Public Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude]

Diplomatic Relations, Understanding within International Ethics

Diplomatic Relations

Understanding within International Ethics

A small piece of every nation is in every other nation through its diplomatic presence and is immune from the domestic laws of the country in which it is. In each country recognizing the other, there is the international law of peace even though it may not resolve all conflicts between nations.  

Defence & Military Enterprises 

Every country may be seen as using the power it has to achieve its global interest. International ethics can also be regarded as the use of power by one country against another country to achieve its global goals and protecting its national interest.

The poverty and wealth of nations

Diplomatic Relations, Understanding within International Ethics

Nations in search of having more wealth have to reckon with poverty, which hinders them from being active and responsible international actors involved and participating in emerging international issues. Poverty may be a domestic issue, but casts a deep shadow over what a country can do internationally or how inviting a country is for the rest of the world. Reduction in poverty would be welcomed internationally. International law of justice may be invoked to have nations placed to reduce and remove poverty. The United Nations Framework for Sustainable Development Goals calls on nations to end poverty in all its forms as Goal 1 for 2030. Several international NGOs operating in this field to remove poverty have frameworks for making decisions and choices which offer another field of international ethics and can drive the value of global solidarity and justice.

In international ethics, one would like to see richer nations helping poorer nations. One would also like to see relations between them be transformed into win-win relations for both and more beneficial to least advantaged nations. This aforesaid proposition can also be contended on this point that looking at the proposition from a higher ethical point, poverty at any one place is a potent ground to degenerate that society into authoritarianism and that degeneration of authoritarianism in that society could have tumultuous effect into the world order as well. So, the rich nation trying to help the poorer nation is also in their own interest. 

The inequality of nations

We are in unequal world. In an unequal world, expectations of equity, international equity are high. In other words, demand of justice may require that we prefer a more equitable world to a less equitable world brought about by international action. It would possibly imply that any international action must aim at benefiting the least advantaged nations more than that would be expected for a most advantaged nation. Otherwise, it would appear there would not be an incentive for less advantaged or least advantaged nation to participate in international actions.

In cases of such failure, only those international actions which are powered by dominant nations will be carried through creating and endorsing a more divided world with even a greater possibility of future conflict.

International ethics has to guide and deal with how international power is used, i.e. or else it is likely to be abused. International inequalities imply that some nations have international power while others do not have. There may have been even historical injustices. It is important to see international ethical sensitivities harnessing international power for international growth and development, peace and security, etc. Here it is also important to discuss a distinction between the power distribution among nations of the world within United Nations organizations like United Nations General Assembly vis-à-vis United Nations Security Council.

Freedom of speech

Freedom of speech involves religions or world religions, the world press or international press and media, the education sectors, the cultural expressions, exchanges, and products. Religions are influential actors in international relations and international peace and security. The international press provides scrutiny, though it may also need to scrutinize its ways of gathering and spreading news, interpreting it to propagate its own agendas and selling of its own ideas.

The international press is an actor and can blow the whistle on nations and their covert or overt activities, revealing the uncomfortable or unpalatable truths to the international publics. Scrutiny of international relations, international power, etc. are welcome and may be guided by rules of international media ethics, which would be part of international ethics as well. The cultural exchanges provide a mutual appreciation of different cultures. The educational sectors provide the foundation for true sustainable societies and a better world for everyone.

Freedom of Information

Another driver for international ethics and international actions or actions with international implications and impacts is the international and global flow of information. Underlying such activities and activities are the issues of technology particularly information technology. Information can confer advantages so various international gatekeepers can control the flow of information and thus the advantages or disadvantages or create destruction of informational advantages.

Information technologies not only regulate the availability and flow of information they also make it easier for nations and people to communicate conveniently easily without any government or individual interfering in their private conversations. Information technology has blessings and also dangers. If nations can use their powers; also, individuals can use technology against certain countries and states to counter such powers. Such games may be going on which are harmful. Information has a flattened world to deal with and is well explained by the proposition that the world is flat. The ethics of this flat world is also a driver of the international ethics and international and global developments to a more inclusive international community.


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