World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
(Relevant for Sociology Optional for UPSC CSE)
Why in news?• On June 15, 2020, the theme “Protecting older individuals during and after the COVID-19 pandemic” marks the observance of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. About:• Observed annually on June 15. • Aims to raise awareness against the abuse and suffering faced by elderly individuals. • Officially recognized by the United Nations General Assembly in 2011, following a request from the International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse (INPEA), which first established the day in 2006. • In addition to WEAAD, the UN observes the International Day of Older Persons every year on October 1, highlighting the contributions of older individuals and addressing issues affecting their lives. The Effects of COVID-19 on Elderly Individuals:• Approximately 66% of individuals aged 70 and above have at least one underlying health condition, increasing their vulnerability to severe COVID-19 outcomes. • The pandemic may substantially reduce the incomes and living standards of older individuals. Currently, fewer than 20% of those of retirement age receive a pension. |