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- (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Social Change in Modern Society & Paper 2- Visions of Social Change in India)
- (Relevant for GS Syllabus: Paper1- Social empowerment)

- Very sad, we are getting news on inhuman and barbaric incidences almost every day. Somewhere somebody is raped, tortured, murdered and so on.
- Men raping their own minor daughters, juvenile raping senior citizen women, shocking news items are very common nowadays. Such instances are not in vogue even among animals, and humans prove to be worse than animals. Is this the purpose of God creating mankind, with superior capabilities, in this world?
- We do have hell a lot of laws and policing without being able to effectively control. Still worst, the watchdogs empowered to enforce the law and order themselves to indulge in cruelties or shied the perpetrators.
- Whatever force with which we try to curtail such happenings, the truth remains that unless the culprit oneself purifies his or per mind, such brutalities are bound to increase. Whether our society will ever transform? If it could happen, when? Before that, how many innocents would be butchered and sacrificed? We need to transform every individual in this world to become human.
- This could be done only by imparting Value Education from childhood and through all levels, right from pre-KG and beyond in graduation, post-graduation, doctorate and even professional programs.
- We need to bombard the learners with the concepts of human values using every possible occasion for bringing admirable human values in their DNA. Value education is not religion-oriented, it is human-oriented. Of course, we can adapt various aspects of human values from all religions and all their holy scriptures.
- Unless everyone in the society consciously endeavours, the generation-wide transformation may not happen. All of us, in our own capacities, need to support and promote human values among the younger generations.