MOPLAH REBELLION 1921 Relevance: prelims/Mains: G.S paper I: Modern History Background of Moplah Rebellion Muslims had arrived in Kerala in
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MOPLAH REBELLION 1921 Relevance: prelims/Mains: G.S paper I: Modern History Background of Moplah Rebellion Muslims had arrived in Kerala in
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Patriarchy, entitlements and sexual division of labour. Violence against women & G.S paper I: Society and social
Continue readingRelevance: Prelims/Mains: G.S paper III: Cyber security Recently, the cyber security attack on Australia’s communication system has brought the governance
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Continue readingRelevance: G.S paper II: Governance & Sociology: Crisis of development: displacement, environmental problems and sustainability. Why in News? The Supreme
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Gender Equality; Women Empowerment. Why In News? Recently, India got elected as Member of the UN Commission on the
Continue readingRelevance: G.S paper I: Society and social issues & Sociology: Emile Durkheim: Suicide Why In News? Recently, The National Crime Records
Continue readingNational Institute of Tribal Research Relevance: Prelims.Mains: G.S paper II: Governance Why In News? Ministry of Tribal Affairs (MoTA) and
Continue readingRelevance: Sociology: Poverty, deprivation and inequalities. & G.S paper I: Society and social issues & G.S paper II: Government Schemes
Continue readingRelevance: Prelims: Indian Economy The term ‘K-shaped recovery’ is used to describe what has been happening in varying degrees since the
Continue readingThin Blue Line flag Relevance: Prelims: International What is the ‘Thin Blue Line’? The term is “used to refer to
Continue readingRelevance: Prelims: Environment & Biodiversity Why in News The Prime Minister announced the government’s plan to launch a Project Dolphin in his
Continue readingRelevance: Prelims: Indian Economy Why in News The government is planning to set up a new Development Finance Institution (DFI) essentially to
Continue readingRelevance: Prelims: Science & Technology Why in News Recently, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully flight tested the Hypersonic Technology Demonstrator Vehicle
Continue readingRelevance: Prelims: Science and technology & Environment Why In News? The first World Solar Technology Summit is being organised by the International Solar
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