Empathy (Relevant for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) Empathy Empathy encompasses the capacity to envision oneself in someone else’s position and comprehend
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Empathy (Relevant for Ethics, Integrity and Aptitude) Empathy Empathy encompasses the capacity to envision oneself in someone else’s position and comprehend
Continue readingSUPREME COURT USES ARTICLE 142 FOR SPEEDY DIVORCE BY MUTUAL CONSENT (Relevant for unit 9 system of kinship ) Supreme
Continue readingSTOP BEING SO WOUND UP WITH RELIGION (Relevant for Sociology Syllabus: Paper 1- Religion and Society & Paper 2- Religion
Continue readingReligions in India Relevance: Prelims/Mains: G.S paper I: Art and Culture INTRODUCTION Religion in India is characterized by a diversity
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