Unleashing Growth in India’s Rural Economy: Diversifying Employment for a Brighter Tomorrow The Indian rural economy, rich in its diversity
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Unleashing Growth in India’s Rural Economy: Diversifying Employment for a Brighter Tomorrow The Indian rural economy, rich in its diversity
Continue readingCLIMATE CHANGE-UNSEASONAL RAIN AND CLIMATIC IMPACTS (RELEVANT FOR GS: Paper-3) While rain is generally seen as a blessing ,but unseasonal
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Continue readingSOCIAL STRUCTURE: The world is made up of individuals who interact with one another to satisfy their needs. During this
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Continue readingEvidence of food insecurity in India Relevance: Mains: G.S paper II: Governance: Issues relating to poverty and hunger. & G.S
Continue readingFeminization of Agriculture in Indian Society. RELEVANT for UPSC-CSE 2020-21 SOCIOLOGY PAPER 1 ( Work & Economic Life -Social organization of work in
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Continue readingEffects of globalization on Indian society Relevance: Mains: G.S paper I: Effects of globalization on Indian society INTRODUCTION Globalization has been defined
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Continue readingHistory of the World will include events from 18th century such as industrial revolution, The World Wars Relevance: mains: G.S paper
Continue reading“Gobardhan” Yojana to Be Launched From Haryana Gobardhan Yojna, a central government scheme for managing and converting cattle dung and
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